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Slave CD players

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I've been looking on ebay alot lately, and i've seen alot of late 90's GM slave CD players on there for a pretty cheap price (~$50)


Now, i know that this will not "plug in" to my car... they have a 9-pin harness, which is (by looking at the pictures) very similar, if not the same, as the harness going into my digital EQ deck. That is besides the point. I'm wondering if I can rig this up... by splicing the wires into my cassette's harness, and having the power and/or audio input-whatever run off of a switch (probably use the "performance sound" switch). I'd imagne there is Power, Ground, the speaker outputs, and what else?


Do you audio gurus think this may be feasable? I would install it in my center console. Its just an alternative to an expensive FM cd changer... I dont NEED 12 discs, just one, and like i said, i can get one really cheap. Ideas? thoughts?


The remote CD players rely on the data line from the radio to change tracks and start/stop playing. It wouldn't work.


i think shauns on the right track here, from what i've seen the slave cd/cassete decks i've worked around all rely on the headunit telling it to PLAY/NEXT/PREVIOUS, etc. you could probably get it to power up, and insert and eject cd's but a factory deck not supporting the slave devices would not be able to tell it the functions it needs, at least thats how i understand it.

Guest Anonymous

Damn. The problem is all these new CD chnagers are pretty big, like 12 discs, and the only place that will fir is the trunk. I don't want it in the trunk... and i dont want (another) FM modulated device.


My other idea is to track down a sunbird slave CD player, which is FOR the 89 component setup, which is the same (basically)... however i've been looking for a year and have not yer found one. These worked with the tape player and sqaue radio head unit. Look here:



I like my digital EQ setup as it is, but i also want a CD player. IF i could find a SMALL 6-disc changer, id get that, but as it is, i can only find gigantic ones.


Clarion makes a 6 disc changer I think....you can also get a 6 disc changer out of a Yukon Denali (earlier models have them in the center console) however the how issue of making them work comes up again....I've seen the Clarion unit at the store...it's decently small. Not as big as the JVC or Sony 12 disc changers

Guest Anonymous

I want something that can fit in the center console, under the armrest. If I took Out the bottom "trim" piece i could get some pretty decent depth... its the width and height i'm concerned about. I'm going to look into the yukon changers some more...

Guest Anonymous
I've never seen a Sunbird with a CD player before. :lol:


they are VERY VERY VERY rare... the chances of me even finding one are slim to none... but its the only "factory" CD deck that will actually work with the 89 component setup.


my brother's girlfriends sunbird came with the slave cd player. i thinks it's a 91 se. she has an aftermarket hu in it now. i'll ask her if she still has the old stuff.


but are you sure the slave will play mounted at a 90 degree angle like that? i would imagine not.

Guest Anonymous

I beleive they were available with both...


StockGP, if she has it, I WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR IT!!

Guest Anonymous

Would this work?




Its for a Riv or reatta... 90-93. Very similar to the sunbird one. It has the track controls and such, so its not controlled by the HU per say. I'm wondering if i had switched power and connected everything else, if this bad boy would work.

Would this work?




Its for a Riv or reatta... 90-93. Very similar to the sunbird one. It has the track controls and such, so its not controlled by the HU per say. I'm wondering if i had switched power and connected everything else, if this bad boy would work.

I was gonna post that eBay link; you beat me to it. I don't think I'd pay that much especially since it does say if it is functional. I'm gonna assume that it works the same as the Sunbird one and that it's just "colored" differently (Pontiac has grey buttons & red lighting).


Here's how it looks in a Riviera:




Makes me wonder how it works with that head unit...


I've seen a few of the Sunbird and Riviera ones on eBay before - try all different search possibilities - sometimes people don't list them very accurately.


Did the early 90's Regal and Chevy truck have component CD players also? I, too, have wondered about the interchangeability of all the GM component stereo units from that era. I can't seen to find much info on the subject however. A while ago, I was going to buy a bunch of the different components and try some mixing and matching, but I have too many other things to waste money on. If I ever decide to try, I'll let you know.

Guest Anonymous

I emailed the guy about its condition. IF is knew it WAS FUNCTUIONAL and working properly, i'd probably take a stab at it. but $45 is alot to spend on something i dont know works..


The unit is (upon closer look) the same as the sunbird one. I'd bet it would work somehow with the component setup. All the GM cars of that era had pretty much the same thing going on. Since its the same unit and it works with a sunbird, it probably will work in the prix, whoch has the same HU. I'm going to get more details from the seller and take it from there. It DOES have the wiring harness, which is a plus. all the slave CD players i've seen have not come with the wiring. The unit itself looks like its in good shape... so who knows.

Did the early 90's Regal and Chevy truck have component CD players also? I, too, have wondered about the interchangeability of all the GM component stereo units from that era. I can't seen to find much info on the subject however. A while ago, I was going to buy a bunch of the different components and try some mixing and matching, but I have too many other things to waste money on. If I ever decide to try, I'll let you know.


Yep, sure did. When you would put an aftermarket deck in one of those, you actually have to grab the wires from behind the small square tuner itself. The aftermarket deck (in the truck atleast) would go where the factory tape or cd deck would be located at. I believe there is a signal cable that runs from the factory cd deck to the factory square radio that sends the signal.


Ross, I would say it may be worth the risk.. You yourself have said it is almost impossible to find, and here one is.. I say go for it.. (Worse come to worse, resell it on ebay with what you paid the opening bid)


I think it would be cool to see that done.. Good luck Ross!


FWIW I have a 12 disc Sony changer stuffed in my console. My console is the same as your's Ross, because I have the AQ9's. I had to remove the inside of the console and it fits like a glove, doesn't rattle or squeak or anything. I'll try and post pics later.

I don't believe the trucks were available with a factory CD slave unit until 1995 when they changed the dash.


(I could be wrong)


The salve units from that era (95 up) I doubt will work.

Only nutton it has on it is the eject button...and the harness has about 15 wires coming out of it (well around that many)

Guest Anonymous

I know the newer slave units wont work but im still holding out hope for the older Riv/Reatta/Sunbird type.


Ohh, and pics of the sony unit in the console are a must.

Guest Anonymous

Well its got 2 days left, im probably gonna piss my money away on it and hope for the best!

Well its got 2 days left, im probably gonna piss my money away on it and hope for the best!


Excellent idea


Ross, Heres a pic of the Sony 10 disc changer in my GP console in my Z. Sorry I took awhile getting it uploaded.



Guest Anonymous

Thats not too bad. I didnt go for the slave CD player, it doesnt seem worth it to me.


to me in any rate i think you would be far further ahead to fix that factory cd deck you have, then you get your SWRC back, it will cost a prety penny to get it working 100% but when my pontiac hu decides it wants to work it sounds very nice. all this work for a graphic EQ just dosen't seem worth it to me. but, thats just my opinion.

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