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Well now that sirius has come to canada i decided to give it a try.....And boy does it suck. It sound horible. Its not even on par with fm radio let alone cd quality.


Its a good thing I have a 15 day return policy on it.....lol


i have xm. it doesnt sound that great, but its not too bad. prob about the same as fm i would say, but youre probably more picky


Well I am allready on my second reciever, my first wouldnt activate.


To me it just sounds like the sound is coming off very muffled and tinny. I am taking it in to the place where I bought it from this weekend to see if it is a hardware problem. But I cant see it getting all that much better. It seems to closely resemble the sound quality of internet radio.



Oh and yes I guess I can be very picky.....But to me fm sounds much better so I dont know If I can justify paying for this.


i absolutely loved it when i first got it, but i dont use it much now for some reason. made archives of all my cd's so i dont care if they get stolen really, so i usually use that or the music on my laptop. i should really use it cause im sure paying for it. but my sound quality doesnt seem as bad as youre describing it. might be a canadian thing :lol:


Do you have an FM modulated receiver, or a HU receiver?? If its FM modulated, than maybe the output level is too high for you receiver :shrug: I had this problem with my Alpine CD Changer. Now it sounds a lot better.


I have a wireless fm modulator unit right now. But I am going to hard wire it in using a wired fm modulator to plug it directly into mt antena jack in the back of my Kenwood CD player.


But ya it sounds disgusting. And with it being new to canada there arent many knoledgable people locally to help.


XFM absolutely sucks in Canada unless you are picking up the American stations.

I was told by the guys slanging XM's at certified radio that we as canadians no longer have access to the american stations. We are supposed to have like all of 15 stations to choose from. - cant confirm or deny this except my buddy has a FM Modulated reciever with XM in his dodge dakota.

it sounds decent - i can pick it up driving behind him

and he got in before the so called "cut off" date to register in the states and physically be registering the product in Canada. They gave him a fake address/zip and everything worked out



I find that mostly anything satellite in canada sucks bad. Thats why I have DirecTV. :mrgreen: But i think im gonna get a US subscription and get automatic bill payments. I already have acess to an adress/zip. Either that, or find someone who can hack it just like DirecTV :twisted: I cant understand their reasoning by not allowing us access to US content. The US has much stricter broadcasting laws than canada


I've never had a sound problem with Sirius. The sound quality has always been great. It's actually been clearer than FM. The only problem is when you go under a long bridge it stops receiving the signal.


Definately get the wired FM modulator. If anything, i'm sure your deck has Aux. out, or a CD changer port, correct? If so, pick up the cable that coverts from the CD changer port to RCA input, then run a RCA to headphone cable, and plug that into the Line Out on the Sirius tuner. This should yield awesome sound quality.

Guest Anonymous

The sound quality on my SIRIUS is better than the FM channels. Its probably becuase its the cheap canada version :lol:


Well my Kenwood cd player craped out on mr today. It may not be a coincidence.



I'll reevaluate when my system is back together.

Well my Kenwood cd player craped out on mr today. It may not be a coincidence.



I'll reevaluate when my system is back together.


Good to hear, kind of. :lol: Sirius is great once you get it working correctly. Let us know!


Its not really going to matter if you buy Sirius or XM, XM is launching 5 more satelites this year to become the first Global Satelite radio. And they are in negotiaions with Sirius to buy them out after the NFL contract expires at the end of the play season. Just a FYI...


I got Sirius as well and I'm disappointed as hell with it. Same complaint as you. It sounds like one of those radio stations that stream over the internet....the sound just doesn't sound good. The high frequencies sound terrible.

This is all when connected to my home theatre with the RCA cables...the FM transmitter sounds even worse.

FYI I have the STARMATE receiver.

Overall, very disappointed, and great, good thing I only have a year subscription...fuck why did I get started in this....that will suck when XM buys them out.


However Sirius programing isn't very good at all...sorta like digital cable or satellite with the digital music - maybe 20 sound all in a loop on some stations :? .




It wont suck when siruis gets bought out, siruis only took off because of the new XM radio that came out some years ago. Then XM had modern technology, while sirius was trying to use their older tech to keep up. Hence why all stations sound like crap. I had the Sirius Streamer GT. I sold the whole system with my years paid subscription to a freind for 150 bucks. Didnt care if I lost money, just get that hunk o junk out of my car!!


You know, I just got my Sirius last month and I'm loving it. The only problem that I had initially was that I have to turn up the volume on my H/U a bit higher than normal to hear it. (I've got the Sirius Starbase with FM modulator)I was told that the modulator can be adjusted or tweaked to a higher output. Not sure if that's true or not since I haven't checked it out yet but, other than that, I've really enjoyed the sound quality. Also, a little adjusting on my H/U's EQ and it can give a pretty good bump to my 12's. :D


How do you adjust the modulator output?? Mine is a little too high IMO because my deck seems to distort the sound sometimes....I dunno


i'm not suprised if they sound horrible if they are FM modulated.....I want Sirius for the Spyder but I have to figure out where to put the antenna....


Seriously man, try putting the antenna on your dashboard even...see if it works or not...I get FULL signal everywhere with my antenna in the back window on the rear deck inside the vehicle.

Guest Anonymous

My sirius radio sounds much better and I like the programmming. Yours sound slike shit becuase you live out in the middle of nowhere.

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