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Power window


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I'm having a problem with my power windows on the Cutty, just the driver's side though. Lately, the only way to get the window to go down is but pushing the "Auto" down feature, then I'll have to tap the top part of the button to get the window to stop from going the whole way down. Could there be a bad contact in the swtich that is causing this to happen? The "Auto" feature is nice at times, but I would like to be able to get the window down by pushing down on the button and having it stop where I want it to stop. :lol: Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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If that's not how it's supposed to work, then they must have changed things at some point.


The auto-down on my '89 kicks in as soon as I press the DOWN button and to stop it, I have to press the UP button.

My TGP and the 94 Cutty are the exact same way with the difference that the 94 has auto down for every window.


They've always been that way, and as far as I know, that's normal since the older ones have an electro-mechanical auto-down mechanism.

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i know what hes talkiing about. If you push with lim,ited pressure on the earlier ones (at least with my GP) the window will go down and stop when you let go. The auto down mechanism just physically holds the button down for you and lets go when the windows down.

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thats what i always thought with my 91 gp.......until i dicovered if u push it JUST the right way itll come down and stop when u let off. its nearly impossible tho cuz the slightest vibration screws it up

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88-89's have a separate control module for the auto down, while the 90+ have it integrated in the switch panel. It's possible to use light pressure to have the window stop when you release (in fact, the 95+ the manual says to use the BACK of the switch and kind of pull up, this actually works since I tried it on my mom's '95) but maybe the 88-89 it isnt possible.

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yeah light pressure will cause it to stop when you let go. Press it hard, and it goes all the way down. I love this feature, I wish I could put this on all my windows, or just the passenger. I just dont have time or money



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I plan to yank my autodown module at some point and install a Clifford Smartwindows II that I've had sitting around for years.

It will give me auto-down on both windows and auto-up as well. The nice thing is a tap makes it do auto-down or auto-up, but press and hold and it works like a regular window. During auto-down if I tap down again it will stop. Pretty slick microprocessor controlled setup, much more sophisticated than the stock electromechanical one.


Anyway, I'll have to remember to see if that light-pressure trick works on the TGP. The convertible is slightly different, it's fully electronic and doesn't physically keep the switch pressed down so it might behave a little different. I'll have to explore it a bit.


BTW, if anyone has a 4dr and wants auto-down, the convertible has one single module that controls all 4 windows. You would also gain the cool feature that pressing just the back 2 windows down at the same time makes all 4 window go down.

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