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Speedometer is choppy...


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When i'm accelerating normally, my speedometer isn't smooth AT ALL. It jumps and seems like its sluggish, anyone with GP's have this problem as well? I've seen my friend's car do this too.... how do I fix it? Also, any ever notice that the gas gauge never reads correctly? Mine goes WAY over the full mark when the tank is full, is there any way to adjust that? Thanks!

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Well, my sisters 96 GP does that. I dont know if the whole cluster will need to be re-soldered or just fix the VSS. I think re-soldering the cluster will do it.


I dont think there is a way to "fix" the ga gauge. Ours are based on a float in the tank, so if you corner hard the gas sloshes around an the gauge reads differently. Also, that a safety feature. Because the gauge read high, when you the gauge is in the yellow that means you have like 2 or so gallons in there. But, in actuality, you have more. They know people will push thier tanks as far as they can go, so the make them read high, so you dont get stuck without any gas.



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You mean they make them read low so you get gas, but you actually have more than it appears.


My gas gauge likes to stay on full for awhile then then from there it goes to 1/4 tank pretty fast. Does anyone have an idea how much gas I actully have when my gauge is reading a 1/4 I know it's gotta be more then 4 gallons. I could find out by filling my tank all the way up and subtracting what I could fit in from 16 but I never feel like emptying my wallet at the gas pump :roll:

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