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XM problem

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I'm about to throw this fucking goddamn XM radio out the fucking window!


It doesn't help i'm very sensitive to high pitched noises!


Every time I have the radio on a certain amount of DB, no matter what the XM is set at or the HU, so long as it reaches a minimum DB, it seems to cut like a muthafucker. It'll be clear at 56 DB but then 57 it cuts like a BITCH (not actual DB's, but just an example)


I had the XM way up, and it would cut at HU VOL like 23. Turned the XM about halfway down, it'd cut at HU vol 30, etc. So it's definately a certain overall sound level that it's cutting out.


The XM is not hardwired in anyway. However the socket where it plugs into is. Would this make a difference? It's a Delphi Roady II if that helps any. Hardwired 'quadrasocket' for power, then RCA cable off the module to the FM, and then the antenna which is on the roof of the car.


I love this setup, it's clean, but goddamn that's annoying. i can listen to it low to where i can hear it forever, but once i want to jam...fuck!


And it sucks, I JUST got the system working again. Warranteed the sub, and now both of'em are firing again, and this shit happens!


The problem is it's not a Sirius reciever.... :D I've never heard of that problem for either though.


Actually, i wasn't completely impressed with Sirius.



Although, my dad has XM, and i'm a subaccount of his, so i'm only paying $6/month :mrgreen:


But yea, the problem is really pissing me off man. If only it was a damned 12V receiver, i could hardwire it in two seconds to make sure everything is good


seems like the problem is in your reciever...not sure why it would do that though...personally, i have a alpine HU with the terk direct connect setup, so i don't know much about those recievers...all i know is my friend has one and hasnt had problems like that...of course, the radio in his car does suck da big one...did you say you tried turning the volume down on your reciever, and turning the radio volume up?...cause you'd think that'd help...so, is your radio cutting out, or the xm losing its signal?...you're prolly rattling the insides of the reciever lose :lol: ...


Definately seems to be in the receiver.

Yea i turned the receiver volume down, then HU up, and still cut out right at about the same DB level



Yea, the internals probably rattled so much....i should shake it and see what it sounds like :lol:


Yea, the internals probably rattled so much....i should shake it and see what it sounds like


That's not sucha bad idea....eliminate that prossibilty


Your thread title is your answer.


SIRIUS forever.


Are you sure you can't turn down the source at all?


so i'm only paying $6/month


As am I. You can have 3 subaccounts on the 1 main account for a total of 4. We just divide the total by 4.....it's around $6.......that's really the way to do it. Find a friend with sat. radio and jump his account


Yea, the internals probably rattled so much....i should shake it and see what it sounds like


That's not sucha bad idea....eliminate that prossibilty


I'm not going to remove a $700 sound system for a $70 Xm receiver :wink:




It's actually mounted very well, just a shitload of bass coming out!

Everything in the damn car rattles. And actually, one of the damned B4U screws came out...one i've removed before, must've not torqued it enough, but the one where it holds the upper part of the side skirt where it connects to the fender flare :lol:



Once again, i wasn't completely impressed by either service, XM or Sirius. None of my friend here even have Satellite radio. I'm the only person in the school who's got it (last year in high school).

I actually bought the module during summer, but just got around to activating it. But yea, nobody around here has satellite period, so it'd be hard to do otherwise. I'm just gonna warranty it and see what happens. It's a cheapy module, if it fucks up again i'm going to buy a much better module, or ask for a kickass receiver for x-mas.



Are you sure you can't turn down the source at all?


Turned the XM down
Yea i turned the receiver volume down, then HU up, and still cut out right at about the same DB level


I'm telling you, (XM Volume)/(HU Volume)= DB level where it cuts.

No matter what, it seems to be approximately the same overall volume to where it cuts. I can turn the XM down, and the HU up to compensate, but it cracks at about the same actual output volume (decibels)


Sorry, I'm an idiot. :lol:


It sounds to me like it's a problem with your deck or possibly a speaker problem. :shrug:


Also, does this happen on normal radio or CDs?

Sorry, I'm an idiot. :lol:


It sounds to me like it's a problem with your deck or possibly a speaker problem. :shrug:


Also, does this happen on normal radio or CDs?


You being an idiot is now excused for your recognition of the problem :lol:


That's the thing, this ENTIRE system is new. Everything. The headunit is like two weeks old, the XM has been powered for a couple weeks, both subs have been warranteed lately, and i just got my amp back from being serviced (mainly for updates just in case) Even my 6x9s and 4x6s are new. Everything. And i did the wiring for my Headunit, but it plays fine. I've wired up a billion Headunits, and i went ahead and checked mine over multiple times. Hell I even rewired the cap/amp/subs with new wiring

This doesn't happen for ANYTHING else. It's ONLY the XM receiver. I've cranked the shit out of the HU on Radio, CD's, CD-R's, hell eve CD-RW's. But i KNOW that the Input (AUX) port works because of the XBOX/Screens setup. Everythings good.

I'm using the same wiring setup from my old HU. I just copied it with new wiring and adapted it for the new HU

So it has to be the XM, it has to be. I just got an e-mail back from Delphi saying it should be serviced or something. Wel i bought it two months ago..fuck, shoulda activated it back then so i didn't have to ship it for the warranty :shrug:


Ok, I couldn't quite understand what you were saying in your first post, so I'll ask some question's, you give me some answers. Sound good?


1) Is the power hard wire or through the cig. lighter?

2) Is the unit directly connected through the line out on the side of it, through the wireless FM modulator, or through a hardwired FM modulator(through the antenna)?

3) Which specific model do you have?

4) Where do you have your unit mounted?


Answer these for me, and i'll help diagnose your problem for ya, and even give you some tips as well.




For Q1 - i don't have a cig ligher. I have a hardwired 'quadrasocket' (four way cig ligher lookin thing), in which the XM plugs into for power

2- Directly connected to the antenna supplied

3 - delphi roady II

4 - on console (offset to the left in the gap between the shifter and DIC)



For Q1 - i don't have a cig ligher. I have a hardwired 'quadrasocket' (four way cig ligher lookin thing), in which the XM plugs into for power

2- Directly connected to the antenna supplied

3 - delphi roady II

4 - on console (offset to the left in the gap between the shifter and DIC)


Anything else plugged into that quadra socket deal?


Antenna supplied? The little magnetic one? Thats just the antenna, I'm asking how do you play it through your radio? FM modulated or a direct connection into your reciever?


Next big question. What make and model of cd receiver do you have?


Yea, just a radar detector. That's the only other thing. The wiring for the ground (chassis, only a couple feet long) and power (i ran my own fused power) for the quad-socket is 10ga.


The XM plugs into the HU via RCA. It plugs into the normal plug, it came with that cassette adapter, so i purchased the RCA cables into the AUX port of my new Dual CD player.



Not sure of the part number. Has aux input, amp output, remote power, all the necessary stuff


And thats your problem. Hate to say it, but those Dual's are NOT WORTH IT AT ALL. I work car audio, and see more of those damn decks come back because something is not working right more than anything. They are very low quality decks, horribly built, high distortion rate, and way overpriced for what they are.


If your within the return policy, take it back and get your $140 back and atleast get a Sony for the same price that will have a decent Aux. input. Not that I'm saying Sony is good or anything, but it will be better than what you have.


If you picked up the warranty, accidently fry it out :wink: Use the money on a different deck. Hell, If I were you, i'd toss in a good $20-$30 more and pick up a decent quality deck that has a good Aux. input.


Hmmm, well that's funny though..


Like i said in a few posts above, i had my XBOX hooked up to it and it worked great. I had that shit up loud, no distortion at all. Also had my buddy's cd changer, no distorting. It's only the XM :bash:


I would still swap out the Dual for another deck(if possible). In the long run, you will have less stress and less trouble.


As for everything else working fine in the Aux. input, sounds like a faulty Line Out in the Roady 2. That, or I would suggest upgrading the headphone to rca style cable to something like a monster cable. A little pricey, but definately, DEFINATELY well worth it(i've switched from low end cables to better ones on home stereo's and car stereo's, everything sounds better and less extraneous noise).


Yea, i'm sending it back to Delphi tomorrow and just praying that it comes back in good shape. Even if i do get it back in good shape i'll probably get a better unit anyway. Kinda likin that Roady XT :D


It is much better (IMO) mainly because it does sit in a cradle opposed to the wires plugging directly into the unit itself.


BTW, where you currrently have your unit at, do you have problems with it moving around, bouncing around, etc....? I have another solution for you, although not the easiest of fix because it will require a little labor.

It is much better (IMO) mainly because it does sit in a cradle opposed to the wires plugging directly into the unit itself.


BTW, where you currrently have your unit at, do you have problems with it moving around, bouncing around, etc....? I have another solution for you, although not the easiest of fix because it will require a little labor.


A little labor? A LITTLE LABOR? FUck. I really need to update you guys with pics of my car.


I'm 1/2 way done fiberglassing my dash.

I've almost finished glassing the hood

I finished my rear deck.


Labor this ass :lol:

But, no, not one damn problem with it bouncing. Not at all. Doesnt' vibrate, move or anything. I made a bracket for it (stiff as fuck) so it could sit off to the side of my hand, but have full support from the bottom on the console (wide mounting base)


cuz there is no room for gauges...damn i thought i had explained my dash, but i guess not.


I haven't installed it yet, but it's done being glassed.


I took the section where it sloped down to the right...and extended it over to make room for gauges. Looks fucking sick, has a stock look to it, but at the same time...it's like whoa :D


that CD players at walmart, but its damn cool! i wanted it, but i think ill pass now, i wanted it Cause it was Red backlighting (wich is rare, cause there all BLUE) I want red to match the Other redish orange lighting, and the fact it had the cool thing where it slides out

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