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Small project today..


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Decided to try something with my stock airbox today..

I had a cone filter on the end of the MAF sensor for a while, but took it off to see if I could get some better gas milage out of the car. So far I've noticed a bit of an increase. I've wanted to try cutting holes in the right side of the box (by the battery) in an attempt to make a better cold air intake, without having to go to a cone filter. So.. this is what I did..


- Here is the box just after I took it out of the car. It was kinda filthy, so I decided to clean it up some. I noticed the temperature differences on each side of the box. The left side (by the exhaust) was hot to the touch, and right side was cold to the touch.


- Next, I grabbed what looked like a good sized cutout, and traced around it. That item happened to be my Staff ID card from work, lol.


- Then, I proceeded with the cuts. A dremel is your best friend for this kind of project. As you can tell, their not 100% perfectly straight cuts.. I didn't care how it looked, as it can't be seen where it's at in the car.


- Here is the finished appearance. After putting it back in the car, and revving it in the driveway, it sounds just like the car did with the cone filter, but this time, not so much hot air is being pulled in to the intake! :)


*These pics are hosted on my Mac at home.. they may load a bit slow at times.

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Saber- The side of the box I cut the holes in, is against the battery, so there's no way to pull air from the fenderwell. The air comes from the front of the car.


I took it for a drive.. and it really made it louder like I planned. I hammered it from a dead stop after backing out of my drive, noticed a bit more wheel spin (still not much), let it run through first gear then shift to second.. all this time forgetting about the dip in the road half way down the block :oops: I don't know if the car got airborn or not, but the RPM's jumped after I hit the dip. :shock: Don't think I'll be doing that again, but there was a slight increase in the performance of the car I think.

I think I'll get a drop in K&N and call it good, that's all the intake I really need. :)

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lol I got airborne in the wrangler one time(hit this titanic pothole) so i know what u went through. Thats cool that your planning is giving u a bit more pep. Good job man

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Well.. Unfortunatly, I don't think the two boxes are the same. I still have the hacked up air box from my 93 Lumina, and it's actually a longer box than my current one. I have a drop in K&N for it some where at my parents house, but it doesn't fit. They changed the box design in 94.. so I don't think the one you have would fit.

Thanks for the offer though. :)

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sorry to steel your topic but....


lol I got airborne in the wrangler one time(hit this titanic pothole) so i know what u went through. Thats cool that your planning is giving u a bit more pep. Good job man


hahaha i had an 84 ford tempo "HO" (High Output!?!? from a 2.3 I-4 engine, youmust be shitting me!) model hahahah I was cutting across the lawn of a building here on campus once at night too close to a tree and got airborn off the tree roots. Guess i was going to fast maybe! hehehe but damn, when the car landed, i put teh front wheel down on the street sdie of the curb, and the trailing arms on the rear suspension kinda, well... disinegrates i guess when they went across the curb... hahah good times!

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Well, about two months ago mine friend was driving his '92 SC400, and went through a intersection at 60 and hit a island. :shock: We got airborne after that and he got strapped with 2 bent rims and two bent trailing arms and 900 buck. :lol: For him

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hey luke I dont know if my e-mail is working....so I'll leave the message here..sent the 50 via pay pal for the audigy...try to mail back to me so I know weather my e-mail is working





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sorry to steel your topic but....


lol I got airborne in the wrangler one time(hit this titanic pothole) so i know what u went through. Thats cool that your planning is giving u a bit more pep. Good job man


hahaha i had an 84 ford tempo "HO" (High Output!?!? from a 2.3 I-4 engine, youmust be shitting me!) model hahahah I was cutting across the lawn of a building here on campus once at night too close to a tree and got airborn off the tree roots. Guess i was going to fast maybe! hehehe but damn, when the car landed, i put teh front wheel down on the street sdie of the curb, and the trailing arms on the rear suspension kinda, well... disinegrates i guess when they went across the curb... hahah good times!


My wife had a base model Tempo. You think your High Output was slow? She had to make an appointment to get to 60.

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good god man I just read your post on focaljet....whata mouth full...umm no pun about the the blowjob bit intended... I feel that way about fords too..butt( there I go again) damn.

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My wife had a base model Tempo. You think your High Output was slow? She had to make an appointment to get to 60.


Hahahaha yeah, those cars are dogs, to heavy for their size, too weak under the hood. The car ended up dying at a Deny's up the interstate from campus here. I left the car there for a couple months after we stripped it. Well the cops called and said I had to remove it before I got a ticket lol I sold it to a man whose buisness card said "Joe the Junkman" for $25.00 HAHAHHA I RIPPED HIM OFF! lol

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would jsut a standard air filter still work after puttign the holes in the side?


any down sides?


question i ngeneral.


would this work i na 91 cutlass 3.1 litre V6?

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from what I can see drom the cuts he did the stock filter would still work ..running a drop in k&n would be better..which is what he is doing I believe....what he has done is cut openings before the air filter in the box..it should work on he 3.1 as well... you just need to make sure your cuts dont go ABOVE the seal on the air filter...these houseing suck in air from the bottom and draw it through the top...what he is doing is giving more openings because the air boxes hole is rediculessly small and restricting the air flow...but he is leaving the air box in instead putting an open element to block most of the heat from the motor from getting to the air tract



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Well it should work pretty well, though some engines respond better than others to mods like that. Older carb cars loved it when you would do things like that. But an open element filter was rarely the best thing, unless the engine required it. Case and Point:


my 86' GP, stock 305 computer controlled carb loved having a second snorkel and then ducting to under the front bumper. It totally loved it. The 383 I swapped in, ran like CRAP with that setup. With an open element air cleaner, it ran wonderfully.


I have been considering doing the same, but just not cutting holes in it, possible enlarging the stock hole and/or adding another hole for another snorkel. I really have to spend some time under the hood this Spring to see what kind of room I have.

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I cut some holes in my airbox also on the Olds and I could feel improvement. Not that much, but it's there nonetheless.


And it sounds better, too, especially at high R's when it's really wrapping up!

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