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Starting/running problem


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well i encountered another problem last night.. my car mysteriouisly died in my front yard after running great all day... it sat over night and i had to get someting out of the car and decided to see if it would start.. wouldnt you have it she fired right up.. and i moved her in front of my house and left her.. thinking everything was A OK... Well i went to fire it up later tonight and it did... and i went in the house for a bit to come out and see the car died.. and wouldnt fire thereafter.. What would cause this? The pump and filter are about 3-4 years old.. please help!

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i'd asume this is your 92 euro? its hard to say, but its probably your crank sensor or ICM on its way out, no way to really tell for sure, but i'd start with changing the crank sensor since thats usally easier to get at.

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Did the engine turn over after she died?? If it didn't, or was slow to I'd suspect the alternator...mine just up and died one day without warning......but if the engine is strongly turning over then it is something else

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Could be a few things. Next time it won't start, pull one spark plug wire, insert a screw driver into the wire and lay it on top of the engine (WARNING STAY CLEAR SHOCK HAZARD) now crank the car and see if it generates a spark. If no spark you probably have a bad sensor. (I have used this test on several vehicles and everytime it was a bad crank) If the spark looks good, it might be intermitant fuel pump operation.






P.S. beware of the knock sensor, it may be near by and i have damaged it while changing the Crank sensor

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its half stuck in the block, only up to the O ring came out.. cannot get the rest out therefore we gotta drop the oil pan... which you gotta take half the cocksucker apart.. so im not driving it right now.. in the process of buying another gtp possibly

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I read this idea... Torch the end of a dry wall screw held by a pair of vice grips, and push it into the sensor, let it cool, and then pull, repeat as necessary. It would be easiest to have a friend hold the torch/ lighter so you can sit under the car and quickly shove it into the hole. I read it on another thread, it's worth a shot.

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yeah the one you posted above.. already tried that.. thats how the half of the sensor came out and half is still stuck in.. cannot get the screw any farther in now

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