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What Oil do you use?

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I didnt know what other W users were using


I use 10w-30 Valvoline Durablend Senthetic Blend


10w-30 is what my manual calls for, is this for the turbo 3.1 only or do ALL 3.1's use 10w-30 oil? just curious

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dont feel its worth spending like almost 3 times a quart of Pennzoil for Mobil/AMS


Pennzoil 5W-30


N/A 3.1s run 5W30 - Maxlife <---Beretta

Turbo 3.1s run 10W30 - Mobil Synthetic<---TSTE


On teh oil cap is says 5w30, so that's what I put in it.


I usually buy cheap oil (under $10CAD for a galon). But I'm thinking of a medium-priced semi-sythetic or "high mileage" oil since winter is kinda hard on the car- might do it on the weekend. I change the oil every 5000km or sooner.


I use 10w30 pennzoil in summer and 5w30 pennzoil in winter....both dino oil. I feel no need to run anything more expensive and/or synthetic in a stock dog of an engine.


When I have the chance to do the oil myself, I use Quaker State 5W-30


Castroy Syntec 10-40 in the summer, 10-30 in the winter (It calls for 10-40 for my 5.0)


Rember - it's an 87...:D


Kendall GT-1 5w30 synthetic blend. And a few quarts of Castrol full sythetic 10w30 because it goes through oil faster than I can fuckin buy it. :lol:


Castrol GTX in all of my cars. The new cars get the regular "White Bottle" stuff, and the Regal gets the "High Mileage" stuff in the green bottle.


I run 5W30 in the Impala year round, 10W30 in the other 2 year round...


FULL SYNTHETIC: Our Hot Running Engines will make regular oil degrade much faster.

Valvoline maxlife was what i was using, and i still would if i could get the economy 5qt jug where i now live

recently I started using Castrol Syntec instead as more cost effective and I have friends who stand by it.

These both go around 6000 miles before starting to seriously discolor

I also use magnetic oil plugs and ac delco filters, longer pf52's when possible.

5W30 in everything, except my 92 lumina which wants 10w30 with 205k on the clock on those dog days of summer.

And one of my previous bosses claims the castrol had the best specs in tests conducted by the indiana DOT when he worked for them.

And one of my previous bosses claims the castrol had the best specs in tests conducted by the indiana DOT when he worked for them.


Castrol GTX 10w30 in mine, and PF52's


and well, honestly... indiana.... ehh, nevermind


the saturn got the cheapest 5 or 0w30 i could find at walmart... i quit changing the oil filter since the car burned so much oil anyways.


NAPA Synthetic 10w30. It is the same synthetic oil as Castrol's full synthetic just in a NAPA bottle. And for 1/2 the cost! :wink:


Running Esso XD-3 0W-30 full synthetic, currently have around 15,000 miles on it, and will probably run another 10k miles. Filter being used is a FRAM PF52 equivilant.


If I change my oil (as is the case most of the time): Wal-Mart cheap shit 5w-30. When it's winter and I have the quick lube do it, I've usually just taken Pennzoil, but I just realized they give you a choice, so I think I'll go with Mobil from now on. Paraffin or no, those rumors about Pennzoil are enough for me.


TGPilot, NAPA oil is made by valvoline.



I use royal purple 5w-30 in the winter and royal purple 10w-30 in the summer.


I run Valvoline 10W-30 durablend in the STE, it seems to work great, I'm happy with it. In the Lumina I used to run Valvoline Max Life Synthetic and that oil was awesome as well. I changed the oil every 2700 miles or so (just because its only $20 and it can't hurt) and when I changed it the oil was always clear. When Nick bought the car I had actually gone 3100 miles since the last oil change because I hadn't got around to changing it and the oil was still clear.


I run the cheapest oil I can find in my T/A...when I put the new engine in next year that'll change.



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