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ATTN: LukeZ34 and other factory CD player gurus (UPDATE)

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I recently purchased a 93-94 Lumina CD player off a member here on the board who claimed it had a CD jammed in the player. Upon disassembly I found that there was no disc in the player at all, the unit was just not accepting CD's. It wasn't pulling them in. I can source parts from an identical player (I gave it to Chris D.). What would be hte problem here?


[update near the bottom]


Nevermind. I can see the gears that need to move in order for it to accept the CD into the player. These are all part of the mechanism. I guess it'll have to be replaced. UGH.


UGH x2. I broke that stupid 2-pin wire that plugs into the logic board in the radio. I e-mailed the guy at M&R electronics to get a price on the mechanism and that wire harness.


On my deck when I was fucking around with it trying to make it play cds something happened and I heard a ncie "POP" and yeah, it stopped pulling in cds.


New mechanism fixed the problem. Sorry to hear about that harness...that thing is delicate as hell!


The shop that repaired it got it....though I don't know where, sorry. I was going to fix/replace the mechanism myself however I didn't feel like paying that exchange rate to get one from that MR electronics...though they sound reputable. Would have costed me around $300cdn... I got my deck repaired for ~$220cdn including parts and labor and with warantee (I believe MR warantees there stuff as well??)


They said the mechanism is new....


Sorry not much help


Grrr. If I would have known it was a dead mechanism and not just a stuck CD I would have never thrown down the money for it, and I would've just taken the one Dikran originally got for me off his hands. Fux0r!


Well the dick over at M&R doesn't sell just the mechanisms anymore. Where the hell can I get them?!


Um.. anyone? Please? It's amazing some kid with a Sunfire can make 50 threads about shitty garage sale components and they get 30 responses each, and I make one thread with a good legitamate question and suddenly no one knows anything about car audio!

Well the dick over at M&R doesn't sell just the mechanisms anymore. Where the hell can I get them?!


Ugh.. you're kidding!

Crap.. I don't know of any other places online that offer the services that he does.

Let me do some searching. I know there's places on eBay that buy and resell older Delco CD players after they repair them.. but they won't sell individual components either. If nothing else.. you may just have to suck it up and send it to Michael at MNR.. at least it'd have a warranty that way.


wouldn't it be cheaper/easier to just buy another deck? I know the factory CD deck that came in my 92 Euro3.4 didn't sound that great anyway :shrug:


Paid the guy at M&R, I don't mind paying extra for something so long as the quality is on the same level as the price. He did an excellent job.


Well here's another interesting twist to the story.


I contacted Bob over at http://www.carstereohelp.com and told him my whole story about trying to find a distributor of these cursed mechanisms. He told me he buys all his mechanisms from M&R. What the fuck? Great customer service from Michael over there. Fuck M&R. Overcharging, overzealous assholes. Here's the e-mail I recieved:

Hi Shaun,


I purchase stereos and mechs from M&R. Purchased four stereos today!?

I don't sell mechs, mainly repair. The reason for the purchases is a trick I've learned from GM/Delco stereos. One stereo CD player I find is not economically repairable. But, I've found a newer stereo that has a mech that works in older stereos. It is cheaper than purchasing a laser for repair. I know, it sounds stupid but works.

As for a mech, I have seen too many different mechs to attempt having a repaired mech in stock waiting to be used.


Try Eastside Automotive at (800)777-9914.


- Bob


So, according to him you can use the more reliable mechanism from newer headunits in the older decks! Cool. I know plenty of places that have the newer GM decks for cheap. I'd swap a whole one in, but I'm all about matching, and I do want an original Cutlass headunit in my car. And dakiln, repairing one of these headunits is not difficult at all. It took me about 45 minutes to get it apart the first time, but now I can have one totally apart from start to finish in about 5. The only difficulty I had was with that cursed little 2-wire harness that runs from the drive to the logic board.


Anyhow, I'll be giving Eastside Automotive a call tomorrow.


You might ask him which newer cd players would have a similar mechanism for your cutlass cd player. It'd be much easier than the trial and error method, and would probably save you some money.

Thanks for sharing the information. I should update my webpage to reflect the new info. Keep me updated, I'm just as curious about this as you are.

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