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i finally crashed this winter


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I finally crashed. the best part about it is that nothing happend. I was driving sidways back and forth and another car was comming so i started to straiten out when a icy piece of road came up. then i launched it into the snow. two guys from my class stoped and helped me dig out, i had to get out the window it was so deep. then a chick stoped and asked if i needed more help and thats when i got embarrased, the guys understood why i crashed but the chick probably thought i was just a dumb ass since there was only like an inch on the ground. :lol:

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Umm, if you were screwing around on icy streets, driving back and forth, I guess that's not the most intelligent thing to do.... Not that I don't do it, but I use my Jeep, less chance for dumb-assness.

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I am used to driving my 86, that car was the best cuz i always had control over it and in the winter was awsome so i have to make up for it with this car, oh well

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Sounds like fun. I enjoy driving in the winter just because you CAN slide around; and snowbanks are probably better to hit than trees. I have to try real hard to get the back end of my lumina to slide out and when it does...there it goes. Snowbanks are so big up at school here that it would take a lot of speed to get way into one, and then it might screw something up. I like to play but I don't do it it dumb situations. I think its good practice to know how to controll your car in a slide too. Saved me once when I was driving normal and hit a slush-rut and found myself going sideways down the road. Just pulled it around and kept going.

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if you cant get the back end out you dont know the wonders of the parking brake(dam pump brake)


Yeah, I hate that damn pump E-brake. Oh, sounds like fun driving back and forth and crazy, thats the only thing I like about winter. Sucks about that chick though, I hate feeling like a dumbass.



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haha suckers...94+ ebrake here! almost as good as a handbrake. hell i used it to pull a quick 180 on ice last night for a serious reason not just screwin arond

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yah if i didn't have the pump brake i'd do that every day....now i'm only limited to when I'm driving the Lex around parking lots....one night, during that badass storm that hit for the weekend, me and a few friends spend a good hour spinning that thing around...it's go the same E-Brake style as the 94+ W-bods...Push to set, push to release...with the traction control and skid control off, and 4 ppl in the car we pulled off a whole lotta side-skids and 180s, and a 270 with a LOT of effort....i'd do that every day if i could!!!!

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