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I hate my car..


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.. well just the VATS. Every once in a while she won't start so I wait about 5 minutes and everything's fine. Well tonight I went and met the boyfriend to pick up our new project ('86 Monte.. I'll get pics sometime soon.. but it's a piece) and started to head home after that was all taken care of in my car. I had to stop at the local supermarket to get some dinner before I arrived home. So as luck would have it.. I got the pimp spot (right in front on the corner). I go in.. get my shit, and come back to my car. I sit down and go to start it and immediately I knew the VATS is fucking with my head again. So I sit and wait about 7 minutes. I proceed to insert my spare iginition key now and still nothing. Ok, so I have a car full of groceries and my mom is waiting at home for me to make dinner. I wait another 10 minutes.. nothing. So now I'm pissed. I waited 5 more minutes then called my mother to come pick me up. I had to leave my car in the most notorious spot for car dings and such :x


So.. my question is, will the car start tomorrow? Or am i screwed? I should've done that bypass thing in summer :cry:



Crap.. sorry for the rant. :oops:

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Does the "Security" light flash when you're attempting to start it? I'm betting the wire broke off of the VATS reader if you say the spare key won't work.


Well, you don't need to wait 'till tomorrow to get your car running if you make a quick trip to Radio Shack.




I had a guy e-mail me to tell me that he soldered a wire to each side of his spare key's pellet, then connected the wires to the VATS wires under the dash to get him home. You could try that if you're crunched for time, but I'd eventually make a proper "resistor pack" to go in there :wink: ...

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Does the "Security" light flash when you're attempting to start it? I'm betting the wire broke off of the VATS reader if you say the spare key won't work.


Well, you don't need to wait 'till tomorrow to get your car running if you make a quick trip to Radio Shack.




I had a guy e-mail me to tell me that he soldered a wire to each side of his spare key's pellet, then connected the wires to the VATS wires under the dash to get him home. You could try that if you're crunched for time, but I'd eventually make a proper "resistor pack" to go in there :wink: ...

No security light.... I just put the key, turn and the dash lights go on/radio etc but no turn over. And thanks :)

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Ah starter? Go underneath and give it a love tap with teh hammer. Then try to start it.


Either that or a very loose battery connection

I'm positive it's not the battery...


I'm almost certain it's the theft system

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Is the car cranking over at all? And are you sure the bulb for the "Security" light is any good? The VATS will signal a problem within itself by flashing the Security light. It should be steady lit with the key "ON" and engine off to show that the lamp is good.


I had a "crank/no start" problem on the wife's old 96 Loomie a couple years back and I found it to be the Fuel Pump relay. I knew the FP relay was the culprit when I tapped on it with the handle of a screwdriver and the car fired right up. I simply removed the relay, sanded down the terminals, bent them out a bit, then reinstalled it. It never gave me the problem again.


In addition to a loose cable connection and a dead battery, a "no crank" problem could also stem from a dead alternator, or worn-out battery cables as well..

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If you battery isn't tight as hell to the pos aux terminal if can cause it not to start, and to other wierd thing also. I have to tighten mine like once a year. If it's loose the ABS light comes on, sometimes power window doesn't work, and it starts randomly (especially in the cold).

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If you battery isn't tight as hell to the pos aux terminal if can cause it not to start, and to other wierd thing also. I have to tighten mine like once a year. If it's loose the ABS light comes on, sometimes power window doesn't work, and it starts randomly (especially in the cold).
Forgot about that! I have to tighten the Aux post nut on my Regal every-other time I fill up the tank (and I even put and extra nut on top of the main nut to try to keep it snug...)
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Ah starter? Go underneath and give it a love tap with teh hammer. Then try to start it.


Either that or a very loose battery connection

I'm positive it's not the battery...


I'm almost certain it's the theft system


How are you sure? If the starter/solenoid is shit, or there is a horrid connection somewhere, it'll click... or sometimes not even a click, with no start. I've got a 94 caravan sitting in the driveway that does the same thing and it needs a starter.

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UPDATE: I just took my mom's car to go see if it started and it does.. and there is no click. Not sure what it is.. but thank you all!!! My car has really odd electrical problems.. so maybe that's it. Who knows, I'm just happy it started. :)

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UPDATE: I just took my mom's car to go see if it started and it does.. and there is no click. Not sure what it is.. but thank you all!!! My car has really odd electrical problems.. so maybe that's it. Who knows, I'm just happy it started. :)


Still check the starter! They can go periodically. Again, for example, this van in the driveway started out as that... it wouldn't start... then it would. Got to the point to where the girl that had it had to turn the key off and on for five minutes before it'd crank over. Otherwise it'd either click, or it'd do absolutely nothing. Crawl under the thing, smack the starter with a hammer, and it'd start like there was no tomorrow. It jsut gets progressively worse.

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It could definately be the starter. I just replaced it on my car. The problem I had was it would crank slowly a few times and fire up, sometimes it would not do anything when I turned the key besides turn lights on but it would eventually crank and fire up after a few tries. Then it just finally all out died on me and wouldn't do anything but turn on all the lights.


Dead starter. It's a possibility.

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  • 3 weeks later...
If you battery isn't tight as hell to the pos aux terminal if can cause it not to start, and to other wierd thing also. I have to tighten mine like once a year. If it's loose the ABS light comes on, sometimes power window doesn't work, and it starts randomly (especially in the cold).

My ABS light is now coming on.. looks like it might've been the battery. Or maybe it's just a whole new problem. :lol:

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I'd look into the starter and solenoid. Till then try this little test..PLEASE (because the repair shop thought I was full of it, dumb)..always turn your wheels straight before shutting off the car.


My car would act up like yours and I'd sit for various times till it would kick in. I found that having the wheels straight made it start more consistantly...untill it was just acting up too much and I had the solenoid and starter replaced.


Other than that, in nine years my car has failed to start (left me stranded)5 times.


1. crankshaft sensor----replaced

2. alternator-------------replaced

3. crankshaft sensor----replaced

4. battery----------------replaced

5. computer-------------replaced


It still sits outside in winters. I think that may even be best for it. And yes it do get cold up here sometimes. Down here for you Candaians.


Oh yeah, my car was made in Canada. No engine heater either.

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