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Deck Opinions guys..

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Alright.. I am assembling my Audio system as we know, and am needing to make a final choice on a deck.. Here are a couple I have in mind..




Alpine CDA-9833(35?): I have read a couple personal views on it and folks tend to like this one a little more than the 55.. Mainly I am not a fan of that damn glide touch..


Pioneer DEH-P7700MP: We sell it at work, and I have been lookin at it at work.. Its okay, but my only issue is the display tends to be little tougher to read than I would like.. Here's the reasoning behind why I chose what I chose:


I have an iPod and I need to be able to clearly read the display "on the fly"..


I have also been looking at some of the Kenwoods as well.. But my main issue is the displays look like small pains in the ass to read..


Any other decks we can recommend would be great.. Thet need to have nice clear displays, and be iPod ready.. I just want to scroll through my songs right there on screen.. My car is, to me at least, my oasis.. Home away from that dump with shingles.. I want it to be enjoyable.. Thanks guys! 8)


i have always been a huge fan of pioneer HU's but am uncertain about ipod interface..... WTF is an ipod :lol: :lol: :lol: j/k dont answer that, i am no help there but Pioneer would be my choice, always kinda cleaner lookin than alpine IMO


Here are views of the displays:










Also, here is the system I built and need to buy:


4 alpine type s 5.25" speakers up front

2 alpine type s 6x9s in the rear

Kenwood 800 watt amp

Rockford P1 twelve inch in a single enclosed box


And obviously some wiring, a Viper remote start/keyless, and the ipod interface :)


still a big :thumbsup: to the pioneer as far as i am concerned...

how are they pricewise, close at all


I have last year's DEH-P7600MP, and to me the display is very clear and easy to read, even in direct sunlight (and it's even easy to read when you're wearing shades. ) I don't see Pioneer going backward with their Organic EL display, so the 7700 should be as good as the 76, if not better.


I'm a huge fan of Pioneer. I've owned damn near every brand HU imaginable over the years, and Pioneers last longer and are more durable than any other model out there. Not to completely knock Alpine, but to me they are overpriced and under-featured (not to mention overrated.) Of course, if you have beaucoup bucks to throw away, you can't beat an Alpine for sound quality. But if you want a good value, Pioneer is the way to go.


If you're hooking up your iPod to the Aux input of your HU, then what bearing does that have on the HU's display?


As far as mounting the iPod, check out "The GSM Store" on eBay for a multipurpose cell phone/MP3/XM holster bracket (PanaVise is the brand) that mounts to your dash by bolting up to the HU's mounting brackets.


Kevin, these decksa are iPod ready.. Which means the iPod can be controlled 100% through the deck :wink: Thats why readability is important, lol.. And as far as mounting goes, I already have something in mind for that 8)


Alpine. Not that I have anything against Pioneer, but given the choice between the two... it would be the Alpine, hands down. Much better sound quality.


i have the alpine CDA-9833!...its a GREAT unit!...i love it!...i used to have a sony xplode and it skipped all the time and finally the fm tuner took a shit on me...this alpine deffinatly doesnt skip or anything...it has all kinds of options to tune your sound, i'm just not very smart with the car audio shit and don't know how to use half of the goodies on it!...anywayz, i'd deffinatly recommend the alpine!





Alpine baby!!! I have few year old 7995, no internal amp, awesome SQ.



the PIO will probably explode in your dash.


Where did that come from???


I've always had great luck with Pioneers...my Sister's Cutlass Supreme has a Pioneer Deck that was made in 1996 that still works like a charm!!! Even more amazing is that it plays burnt CD's.


I have the cheap decks in my CS and also in the Quad 4 CS and they are great...I think the sound quality is as good as the Alpine I had in my Duster for a while...not to mention its easier to use.

the PIO will probably explode in your dash.


Where did that come from???


from when i was driving merrily along, and it almost turned my saturn into a fireball right before new years. nothing Pioneer will EVER touch my grand prix...EVER.


that, and alpine makes a better product.


I was palying around with some of the new ones today at work.. I LOVE the new ones excpet glide touch can burn in hell..


my panisonic cq-8301u has a huge display and i havent had a problem with it yet, good sq and lots of options.


I love Panasonic, but IMO their head units are terrible.


Steve, I used to have a P7700MP, they're excellent. I loved mine, it was an excellent unit... huh huh huh... unit. Don't get the Alpine.


my pani is great, they used to be horriblle though, this one is great though for the price.

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