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what happens when w-body brakes go bad


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so im driving and went to go to stop to go around a corner and the brakes decide to convinently not work so good again, well this time i couldnt save it and this is the result :cry: :evil: :cry: :evil:




and to top it off i didnt hit somthing, i hit someone else's car :roll: o well time for more body work and new rear brakes, im hoping to find some z-34 stuff but i doubt i will and it'll probobly not even be the same color but i need my car back by monday morning :oops:

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If you need it back by Monday morning, you're better off doing nothing with it. Drive it til its dead, because that small amount of damage will proably total it. These things are worthless.

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i dont have collision so its up to me to fix it. :x the only reason its not driavable is that the bumper rubs the tire when i turn and the vac ball got smashed. im goin to the yard tomarrow to get bumper, fender, headlight, and mabey a hood if i have the money. my only problem is i dont know if i wanna try the rear brake upgrade or go oem replacement, i really dont wanna go through this again with those stupid rear calipers.

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Nah, doesn't look like too many vitals were hit.


You've got to realize its a 1992 Lumina. The value of them is around a grand. Body shop replacment value on the damage, hood, fender, bumper, paint, lamps, labor, and any misc parts is probably going to run at LEAST 1200 bucks. Most insurance companies will declare a total loss at (AVERAGE) 70% of the car's total replacement value.

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So you're saying the rear calipers failed, causing you to smash into the back of another car? The rear brakes aren't 100% dependant on stopping the car. They do the smaller portion of stopping. Even if they do lock up, and one isn't driving like an idiot, there should be plenty time to stop.

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i wouldnt get the insurance company involved if i had collision because im not giving my car up over $150 dollars in body damage and some stupid brakes. it would be impossibly to get another car for what im going to spend to fix this. plus, this isnt any worse than it looked when i got it, but it chafes my ass to know i just destroyed all the parts i just replaced :evil:

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the problem is that scince the rear slide pins are frozen the piston has to move more dectracting from the fronts ability to stop, or somthing greater is wrong :roll: i was only doing 45 on a 45 and could only get down to 20-25 before the turn

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i wouldnt get the insurance company involved if i had collision because im not giving my car up over $150 dollars in body damage and some stupid brakes. it would be impossibly to get another car for what im going to spend to fix this. plus, this isnt any worse than it looked when i got it, but it chafes my ass to know i just destroyed all the parts i just replaced :evil:


No its certainly minor damage... but its enough to total these older w-body cars. It doesn't take much when you factor in NEW parts, labor, and paint. I don't know about anyone else's insurance, but my insurance company will NOT pay for used parts. THey will ONLY pay for BRAND NEW OEM parts... so if I were to ever file a body-damage claim on my car, I'm pretty much giving my car to them and making a salvage title for it.

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i wouldnt do that just because the fact that i like my car too much to junk it and i have too many plans for it. is the brake swap really as easy as it says on the writeup because i dont want to waste the money at the yard for somthing i cant do.

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If you do the work yourself than it's cheap enough so yeah...


that sucks man, show us pics when you finish... ohh and PM me with a pricelist of what you spend on hood, fender, etc etc if you get a chance. I am trying to price out stuff and get a rough estimate of what it's gonna cost me to replace the same stuff you are (minus the bumper)

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Damn that sucks. Hope you're able to get it back on the road quick. What kinda car did you hit? (I almost hit a BMW the other day lol)


After test driving 89 GP the other day with pulsating brakes, I REALLY appreciate how good mine are!!

lol, yeah I hear you. I'll take my pulsing brakes over ones that don't work.

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thanks, it was a 2000 cavi. it bent the rear wheel in and tore off a corner of the bumper. it hopefully will be operational tomarrow after i go back to the yard because i left my 11mm deep socket at the house :x all i could get today was the hood ($31), headlight ($16), and turn signal ($5). also got new brakes for the back, new calipers, rotors and pads. i guess they finally made the new calipers with stainless slides so they dont freeze anymore :) (hopefully)

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i know. its not the best but it was what i could find. there all the same price so you just pick the best one. i wasnt too conscerned because im getting a z-34 hood as soon as i can find one and afford it at the same time. ill let you know about the fender and bumper prices tomarrow.

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So you knew that you had shitty braked and went driving around? Yea that's smart. :roll: If you are gonna neglect the maintenance, this will be the result.


When I got my 91' I went over all the brakes and made sure they work properly. Had to replace both front calipers and add some antiseize to all the guide pins, no problems ever. My car stops like a brand new one would.

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its kinda weird, when i first drive my car for the day the brakes suck for like 1/4-1/2 mile then they work ok not good but ok, well they were workin ok then they faded back to hardley at all for some unknown reason. and i would have done them eariler but im broke :cry: and i HAVE to go to school mon-thurs, no other car and no other options so i was screwed either way, it would be nice to have extra money to do all this good stuff right when it needs it but i cant do it.

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bleed ur brakes, that does wonders for these things, it sounds like thats an issue for u, cause it comes in then gone than in then gone fadeing, so try that. When i got my TGP the brakes were so horrible, fronts were rusted and the rotors were warped and cracked and the calpiers were rusted and the pads were almost non exsistant

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yea i got some valvoline brake fluid and im going to try to bleed as much of the old out with the rear as i can and go from there. and everything in the rear was totally rusted, the front was good except the pads and rotors

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