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Please help me!!

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Alright I decided to put a 1.5 gen Lumina cd player into my 90 Lumina. (came from a 99 Monte) I took my aftermarket radio out, and connected the new cd player. When I did so, it played nicely and worked. The only thing that didnt work was the lights on the faceplate because that harness is different (we all know about that).


Anyways, I go back to finish the install, and I now have no power to the radio at all. I hooked the old one up, and now that doesn't work. I tried hooking up the original and that doesnt either. WTF what gives? I checked the fuse and it's fine. Now what? Please help meee!!


UPDATE: ok I checked my fuses again. Apparently I didn't realize that there were 2 fuses for the radio :oops: . Anyways, the radio works fine now... here's the next question:


How do I repin the harness so the radio illuminates when I turn the headlights on?


Are you sure that the bulbs aren't burn't out?


yup I'm sure they're not burnt out. I still had the original cassette player from my dad's 97 Lumina nearby so I threw that in and I know for a fact that illuminated perfectly, but didn't in my car.


I really like it. It looks nice and sounds pretty nice too IMO. I'll have pics soon.


I'd really like to get it illuminated tho if anyone knows how...


the brown wire needs to go where the grey wire is, and leave the grey wire out of the harness. This is off the top of my head. If that doesn't work, put the grey wire where the brown wire was, and leave the brown out. You won't be able to dim the digital readout correctly with your headlight switch. The output is incorrect.


I feel stupid asking this, but how do I get the wires out fo the harness without damaging them? Or is there another way to do this?


Also, which brown wire am I taking out? Is it the wire with the white line or the solid colored one??


okay update: got it finished including the lighting to work. i like it and it sounds pretty sweet too. my ordeal is complete! here's some pics (sry about the quality, but it was my camera phone.)



In the dash


Lit up via the headlights


Looks great man!!


So which wires did you switch on the harness on your Lumina??? I'm thinking I might put one of those units in (I can get it for free from my buddy)....


So which wires did you switch on the harness on your car to make it work??


Also, did you have any problems making it fit?? My car seems to have some harness wrapped in foam at the very back and top where the stereo goes and prevents the nwer style from going in all the way - did you have this problem or not??...




BTW - looks great :D!!!


Ok, it was the monitor at the radio station last night, I can actually see them now. Not bad! I've heard good things about those units.

Ok, it was the monitor at the radio station last night, I can actually see them now. Not bad! I've heard good things about those units.


Definatley more reliable then the ones that came before them!!

Looks great man!!


So which wires did you switch on the harness on your Lumina??? I'm thinking I might put one of those units in (I can get it for free from my buddy)....


So which wires did you switch on the harness on your car to make it work??


Also, did you have any problems making it fit?? My car seems to have some harness wrapped in foam at the very back and top where the stereo goes and prevents the nwer style from going in all the way - did you have this problem or not??...




BTW - looks great :D!!!


okay, I couldn't figure out how to get the wires out of the harnesses so I came up with a better idea. As I was told, the gray wire in the "useless" pigtail (the one that wouldnt plug in) was my lights. In the "power" pigtail I needed to take the brown wire with the WHITE line on it and switch it. (PS, there are 2 brown wires, a solid and a brown with a white line) What I did was get some wire, sliced a VERY tiny slit in the coating around the gray and brown with white striped wires, stripped the ends of the wire I was jumping the gray to the brown, and electrical taped it all together. Works perfectly and it dims too!!


As for that harness, I didn't notice one. There was foam back there but it wasn't that thick at all. She placed right in on my car. There's a little post on the back of the radio I had to bend down just a tiny bit, but no biggie.


I took pics of the harnesses while I did it, so if you decide to do it, PM me and I'll hook you up. It fits almost perfectly in there, it's just a touch off, but only other W owners will notice. :wink:


cool, does the digital display dim correctly too? even when you dim the dash about halfway? that was one thing I couldn't get to happen in my old cutty.

cool, does the digital display dim correctly too? even when you dim the dash about halfway? that was one thing I couldn't get to happen in my old cutty.


sure does! :D as long as I had some light I didn't care; but it functions as it should, which is always a plus!


better pic too...



nice!!! and dude your dash is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniffs* Euro guage swap?!?!?! :D

nice!!! and dude your dash is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniffs* Euro guage swap?!?!?! :D


don't worry, you'll see pics when I'm done. :D

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