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GM stereo plug interchange years?

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Will a 1998 Monte Carlo stereo plug into the older W's, like '89-93ish? It looks like it will but I'm not 100% sure.


Everything will plug in except for the harness that lights up the faeplate lights.....also there is a wire for the SCV? you know that feature that increased volume with increqase in vehicle speed on the Monte Carlo....


However, since I believe that newer harness plug is all one thing, it will not plug in...however if you switched it over to the older style with 4 indiviual plugs it will work - while you are at it, you can make that harness for the face plate lights work by putting on the older style harness plug and discarding the wire for the SCV


One word: Yes. The 95-01 Luminas and 95-99 Montes used the "early 90's" GM harness, so the stereo will plug-n-play with no problems. Having no wire for the SCV has no bearing on whether or not the stereo will function. Everything will work just fine except for the SCV...


And one more thing, FWIW I had my 96 Loomie's stereo in my old 95 GP and it worked flawlessly...


the radios will NOT plug in directly from a 97 Lumina to a 90 Lumina. as 1990lumina said, the harness for the lights will not work. All others do plug in.


which leads me to my question. If i splice the newer style harness to the old one, will the wires be the same colors? and will i have my lights when i turn the headlights on?

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