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starting problem


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well the other week i went out to start the tgp and it started for a min then stalled, started again and just kept dying. this went on for about ten min's, before i finally went inside. a couple days before that i was driving and it started to stall like i ws running out of gas. i replaced the fuel pump relay but it didnt help, i dont hear the fuel pump come on when i turn the key. now i'm lost, and i dont got a garage to bring it inside to work on it and it's getting really cold out. i dont know if it's the fuel pump or somthing else if anyone has any advice let me know i can use some help on this thanks alot.




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Well if you do not hear the fuel pump it does not mean it is dead...but weak or failing pump seals not giving enough pressure. You need to put a gauge on the schraeder valve to see what your pressure is both static and dynamic.


My advice to you would be to pressure test the fuel system and see what it is doing. Could also be as simple as a vacuum leak or the IAC is dirty not allowing it to idle properly.


Also could be a faulty fuel gauge and you are empty and thinking you have fuel...has happened plenty of times in the past.


Could be bad coil packs, could be a bad TPS, could be a bad PCM, could be any number of things. You need to get out there and start troubleshooting...look for fuel, spark, and air. The vital components to an engine running. Help us to help you...troubleshoot and let us know what you find. :wink:



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thanks alot man, i replaced the tps a lil bit ago and i know i had i bad ignition module i dont know if that would cause it to do that or what, it was running great the night before it died so i dont know . and i just put 5 in gas just before i went home.

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