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badge value? or is it possible to restore them?


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I have 3 badges off my TGP, one i royaly fucked up by trying it in some cleaner shit and it ate off the paint half way, the other is chipped, and the last is just fine, just some green corrosion on the metal, but what would i fetch for these individually?

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Keep in mind I had Jewlery stores value mine, so from their standpoint the metal used to make them is worthless.

Now to someone else here they may have some value. But if they are in bad shape, I'd just hang on to them.

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Wow :shock: , can I sell some used ones for $75 each too? :cry: I have a ton of used ones and quite a few new ones and the last new ones I bought only ran $25 more than that so mine are a real steal :wink: :lol:


Jeff M

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For someone that wants to restore thier car..theyre wroth it. Or even replace a missing one/cracked one. But for a fair price. 15 a piece used good condition/ 5-10 fair to poor, New...well Jeff said already. :cry: .


My GTU decals (yes stickers) are worth about that much :cry: . I need a repaint..so I have to $$$.

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$15 each good used :? personally (and not trying to sell my used ones!) that is rather cheap, those that were in good condition on ebay went for more over the past many years (I will now mention I paid for a few of them at more than $15 :lol: ), but I am sure we have a different view of "good" :wink: . But new, that is a steal, when you consider the new price for a TGP hood is $1,500 :lol: so is the OEM crossover, GM is nuts thats for sure :roll: at least you can still get those last 2 items, like it matters :smilielol: But for someone to get a good or very good or new emblem, that will finish off the car proper :thumbsup: (or guys that like the "Shaved" look with no emblems). And I liked all of them I could get long as others here were not bidding, BTW there are 3 on ebay right now 8), not mine, and FYI; that seller has been a real pain/problem in the past!!!!! But I am actually all set with stocking emblems :boring: so good luck if someone does bid on them (no one yet/5 days left).


Jeff M

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