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Idle computer


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Mine is fucked in the head, I stall because my car can't maintain a proper idle.


I heard that removign the fuse for the comptuer then putting it back in resets it. then you start your car, let it idle in drive for 5 mins. shut it off, start agian and let it idle in drive again for anotehr 5 reprograms it


My question is, does this work, and where to i find the fuse for the idle computer?


I am driving a 1991 cutlass supreme sl 3.1 V6



thanks guys

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Did you recently have you battery disconnected?? Cuz if you do that, the car wont idle properly and it had to relearn idle. Let me know on that......



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I kinda have the same problem with a low idle and have had the battery unconnected in the past 2 months, but I kinda had a bad idle before. I guess any help would be good with this! suggestions for the both of us! thanks in advance!!

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Guest Anonymous

Pull the ECM fuse and put it back in. Start car and put it in overdrive. Hold brake and let it idle between 5 and 7 minutes. Shut car off, start car and do it again.

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yeah i have been doign a lot of electrical work and the battery has been disconnected, which fuse is the one for the idle computer?


I check my Haynes manuel and my car manuel and i still couldnt find it.

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