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Mounting Depth: '93 lumina door speakers

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What is the speaker mounting depth for a 2dr Lumina with the door speakers? For the life of me, and my resources I have available at work, I cannot seem to find it. I'm looking at a few different sets of speakers(alpine and fosgate 5.25"'s, and possibly just tossing a 6.5" in there), and wondering if the Fosgate's are even going to fit or not, since they usually have a larger magnet.



Doesn't crutchfield have that shit online??


Looked, couldn't find it. All they would ask is what type of car, etc.. and then list what all speakers would fit.


All I can tell you is when I tried mounting my 5.25" MB Quart directly to the door frame around the "factory cutout" the speaker magnet just nicked the window when it rolled down...so a spacer like a 1/16" or less would have stopped it it was that close.


Anyway, I never did mount the MB Quart speakers...to lazy I guess.


The mounting dpeth of my MB Quarts were approximently 1.9"


EDIT: I just measured the speakers myself...and fro mthe front of the speaker to the very edge of the magnet is approx. 2.5"


Oh...from my experience, (I originally bought 6.5" Quarts and they didn't fit by a long shot) the "frame" part around the bank of the speaker can play a big role in with it fits in the doors or not. I could have made them fit...but that would have meant cutting the shit otta my doors...which I wasn't about to do.


Yeah, thats what I figured. Since I have my door panel off anyways(gotta replace the door handle), I might as well check for clearance issues when I do it, and go ahead and get some wire ran for future install.


My door frame already has a ton of holes from the previous owner putting speakers in, so I could really care less. I guess the next time I'm at work, I can pick up some spacers we sell. I get them for a few bucks anways.


Well for me I didn't know if I should have just screwed the speaker to the door frame, or the speaker to the door panel....


My guess was the door frame was alot better....however when using spacers, or making spacers from MDF or whatever....won't that cause problems with the door panel going back on flush? Or do you just cut the hole in the panel big enough to fit the whole thing through??


Ehh.... don't cut the door panel. It looks ugly. There *should* be enough space for a small spacer, hell, probably up to .5". Lemme run down to the basement and look at my door panel.


Personally, if you are going to make a spacer and not buy one, make it out of ABS plastic.



Well, after inspecting my door panel off, I noticed that someone cut out the plastic and some of the carpeting behind the stock grills. Which, is not a bad thing. But, judging from appearance, behind the stock grill, if you cut some of the door panel(BEHIND THE STOCK GRILL!!!) you will gain a good 3/8" to 1/2" of clearance. Definately enough to make a spacer, for for the pesky Fosgate speakers that have tweeters that stick out way far.

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