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2 or 3 quarts overfull??


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So my friend Tabby's car, 94 Grand Prix with the 3100, has been acting funny. She called me over today to look at it, sounds strange. Pulled out the PCV valve cause there was oil all around it and oil shot out!! So I pulled the dipstick and it was about 3/4 of the way full of oil! I'm talking the whole dipstick here not the markings where its SUPPOSED to be! She wants to know if she can make it home tomorrow which is about 2 hours away. I'm gonna drain the excess oil out tomorrow morning before she leaves, but what all damage do you think we're looking at here? She said it hardly has any get up and go anymore, oil is probably in the valvetrain. Spark plugs look clean though, so the rings are still holding out? Any help would be aprreciated everyone! Don't want her to break down on the highway!

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drain the excess, and tell her to drive it aroud for a little, and see what happens before she hits the road. Check the oil again, and see what it looks like. I dont know exacly what kind of damage it would cause. Ask her, after driving it around, if it felt better. Then, I guess let her drive it, but dont hit any high rpms, and listen carefully to the motor and listen for strange sounds.



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Well, it's possible for the seals to blow, but you'd know it...she'd be a smokin (the car). But I'd say it's pretty unlikely that they'd blow because of excessive oil. Since the plugs are clean, chances are that's not the case.


The main problem with overfilling is the crank will airate (sp?) the oil, causing it to be very thin and basically useless. Not to mention, the lower end has to fight through the oil and it will be sluggish. As long as it's not smoking (or if it is it stops after draining to a normal level) it's probably OK. But have her drive it around there for an hour or so to make sure it's alright to drive a long distance.



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