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Okay i got a 95 pontiac grand prix se with the cd player and EQ selector knobs and i was just wondering what you found to be the best eq settings on this unit. thanx


on my 90 and 99, i like the bass a little high, so i keep mid>high in the middle, and start out somewhat high (not all the way) and work down



i will attempt to draw using ASCII



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something like that,


ps: do i get an A for effort on the chart?? :lol:





Basically you just have to play around with it until you hit something that sounds good to you.


I keep the bass higher than the mid, and the treble higher than the mid. So basically put the rightmost two and the leftmost two higher, and make it a smooth transition, so they get progressively higher. Kind of like a wave.


I find it sounds good to me this way, but you gotta find what sounds good to you.


dude how did you get you pcm tuned sorry im not experienced when it comes to ecu's dont you need a aftermarket one in order for it to be tuned


depends on the car



97 and ups you just need to buy the tuning software to get it tuned (500 bucks)


HPTuners @ http://www.hptuners.com or DHP power tuner (dont know address off top of my head)


i bought an after market pcm, but i had a guy tune it anyways (more fuel, less timing) cause i was pulling 11* of Knock Retard at the time.



I dont know about pre OBD2 cars though.


well i was just wondering about yours because my project in the near future is to put a 3800 v6 serisII in my car and then a turbo kit off of grandprix.net but off course you need the ecu tuned. wherer did you get yours from


I roughly tune any EQ like this in the picture. Then, just fine tune to your liking (if you even like it at all)....I like a pretty even mix of bass and treble, and some mids


Gotta love Winamp 2.77 lol




i have mine the Far bass turned up all the way, next 2 or so notches down from the top, then the mid one notch up , and the next 2 nothces from the top and the far treble up all the way, sounds good to me untill u turn it up to loud

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