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I was cranking the wheel to make a tight turn and the car started squeeling, once i let off the squeeling was still there and there was smoke coming from the passanger firewall area underneath the hood, looks as if it was down behind the motor.

I just filled it up with trans fluid but it keeps leaking it out. Any idea what it could be, i dont have time to look at it until the weekend, and i only have one day to devote to it. Any help is GREATLY appreciated




I was in a rush, i meant power steering fluid.



ANY IDEAS? is it the pump?


why not just have a friend turn the wheel while you watch for the leak w/ some saftey glasses on? sounds as if you blew a line under the high pressure, I would also check your lines with a mirror, etc.


I used ATF in when I replaced my PS pump in my 88 GP. It was kinda noisey, but it was a used pump from the JY so I don't know if it had anything to do with using the "wrong" fluid.


As for the leaking- my PS pump was leaking and spraying all over the engine bay (much like waterpumps tend to do). It started off as a slow leak and ate the serp belt, so make sure to either clean that or replace it if nessesary.

why not just have a friend turn the wheel while you watch for the leak w/ some saftey glasses on? sounds as if you blew a line under the high pressure, I would also check your lines with a mirror, etc.


I spend 12 hours a day at school in the most crime ridden city in america... so i dont have much time to look at the car, but i sure as hell need it, takin the train at 9pm is no joke round here, not to mention i have no money.


Im not a mechanic, but i seem to get by okay doing stuff on my own. I just need a write up, diagrams, or pics of lines i should be looking at incase i cant pinpoint the leak so i know what im looking at. I use autozones website for ideas but any writeups would be prime.


Thanks for the help bros.

  • 8 months later...

I just replaced the high pressure hose on my kid's 92 3.1L coupe. The hose was $30 at Autozone. You DON"T have to remove the lower frame assembly like the manual says, just snake the new hose through and tighten down. Clip the old hose off as close to the fitting as possiblel, then use a deep socket to back the old fitting off the pump and rack. Then use a crowsfoot to tighten the new hose. Get an extra set of o-rings, because you WILL loose then. Remember to replace ALL the clamps! No leaks!


I just replaced the high pressure hose on my kid's 92 3.1L coupe. The hose was $30 at Autozone. You DON"T have to remove the lower frame assembly like the manual says, just snake the new hose through and tighten down. Clip the old hose off as close to the fitting as possiblel, then use a deep socket to back the old fitting off the pump and rack. Then use a crowsfoot to tighten the new hose. Get an extra set of o-rings, because you WILL loose then. Remember to replace ALL the clamps! No leaks!


Wow, this thing's old.


I didnt even notice the age of the thread. Anyway, if anyone wants to find my minor P/S leak, come down to KY and try your best.


FWIW: I believe you can use ATF for PS fluid.


P/S and ATF are virtually identical as far as heat dissipation, oxidation, and hydraulic compression are concerned. ATF has a much stronger detergent package which doesn't hurt the P/S system. However DO NOT use P/S in place of ATF, your transmission needs that detergent! For many many years Ford used ATF in all of their P/S systems as factory fill, not nowadays. In older cars (pre 96'), it is perfectly fine (I'd even recommend it), to use ATF. Todays P/S fluids are chemically "purer" than yesterdays ATF, and most 03'+ (Ford & Import Specifically) vehicles CAN be damaged by using ATF in the P/S system due to microabrasion. This is all assuming you are using DEXRON-III or MERCON-III.... Today ATF's such as GM's DEXRON-VI or Toyotas Diamond ATF are highly friction modified fluids, which I do not know wether this would be beneficial or harmful to our P/S systems. And actually now that I though about that I am curious.... would a better ATF result in better P/S performance? Hmmmm.....very interesting.


On the Money! for our cars using Tranny fluid in the PS is fine.


higher performance PS with a higher perfomance ATF???? not likely!


my 91 CS leaks PS fluid like a race horse pisses. good thing it sits and sits and sits.

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