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It not hills on the highway that kill my car. Its like hills in the back roads. Its just horrible because Ill be going 50, 55 (which was speeding) and Ill watch the needle drop to 45, 40, depending on the hill, sometimes lower. I dont know how much you guys rev these 3100 up to get up the hills. I feel like I was just about flooring it and it just wouldnt move up the hill. Most of em it wouldnt even hold the speed.


You sure you dont have a 2.8 in that lol

haha yeah Im pretty sure!

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@1990lumina: Dude, you shouldn't talk in this topic, you're in Saskatchewan, you know damn well we got no hills around here, hahahaha, j/k.


That hill by the Qu'apelle (sp?) valley (What is it Buffalo Pund lake)?? on high 2 going to Moose Jaw is awesome :D...lol that's about the only hill worth talking about....there is always the one by Blackstrap, heres a pic of me driving down it....not steep at all:

Whole damn way is like this coming home from Moose Jaw:



Then you get to Blackstrap and there's a hill!!! WTF?!?!?:




However the hill by Qu'apelle (sp?) is alot steeper...just it was too icy that day to be taking pictures lol...

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check your plugs/wires....


Well my dad told me the wires have never been changed, so there the original wires, and the plugs were changes maybe 30,000 ago? But I know for sureit is not the coils, because when I was checking for my lost cylinder that one time (maybe like 2 months ago) I had the car running and took off the wires to see if it was one of the packs, and the spark was jumping like an inch with the wire off.


But how would the wires/plugs affect it like that?

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Your car sounds like my 2.8 is.


130hp in a 3300lb car dosent go very fast......on flat land........ :lol:



At least you got a 3100........... :oops:

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Your car sounds like my 2.8 is.


130hp in a 3300lb car dosent go very fast......on flat land........ :lol:



At least you got a 3100........... :oops:


3400lb car! lol, but the 2.8 is so sexay fast man, better than a Camero 2.8 *shudder*

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Sorry to get into this so late but I do remember hearing something about this before. If I can I'll find the original post where I found this. What I remember from it is that the valve springs have to do with it. I remember a girl came on one of these forums and posted the same question. She took it to the dealership and they said that most 90-94 engines do this. The cause was the springs. GM fixed this problem with installing harder springs in the 95+ engines. It doesnt make much sense but thats what I've heard. Sorry I couldn't find the post!


What about Oil Pressure?

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check your plugs/wires....


Well my dad told me the wires have never been changed, so there the original wires, and the plugs were changes maybe 30,000 ago? But I know for sureit is not the coils, because when I was checking for my lost cylinder that one time (maybe like 2 months ago) I had the car running and took off the wires to see if it was one of the packs, and the spark was jumping like an inch with the wire off.


But how would the wires/plugs affect it like that?


You definately should replace the wires and plugs without a doubt. However, you might also want to replace the coil packs at the same time. It wouldn't hurt your performance to have new ones in there to compliment the new plugs and wires.

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a buddy of mine has a '95 3100 grand am, and there is no lack of power


2900lb car, and the 3100 was the premium motor, the 3100 in the w's are base motors in a 3400 pound car.

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yeah I mean I duno whats wrong. Driving around town and everything, it seems fine. The only time I really need the power, is up hills, and its like there is no power. I know just on the city streets I step into it and it hauls (for what it is people! lol) I mean I just turned 88,000 the other day so I have a tune up coming in roughly 2,000 miles. But I duno what it could be, other than the old shitty wires and prolly the plugs cuz I know when I lost the cylinder, we (me and my pops) took out all the plugs, replaced the bad one and just cleaned the rest. So Im sure the plugs prolly rnt the best right now

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i think that might be my problem also, my plugs are messed up from using that top engine cleaner, and i fucked up a couple of the wires trying to take them off. i had no idea you had to twist them some first then pull them off.


*edit: maybe my coils are going bad or something also, i mean i got 124,XXX on it*

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I know thats NOT my problem is my coils. I know for a fact I dont have to replace them. But theres some spots on my wires that are pretty beat.


I havnt used any engine cleaner or anything, but I couldnt tell you what the plugs look like, but Im sure prolly not the best.

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Ill deff take a look at the plugs


Prolly 2m when Im at work, Ill pick up some regular Delco plugs, and 7mm beldon wires. ill prolly put everything on tuesday cuz I wont have time until then.

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