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Yeah, how damn fast are you trying to go up the hills?


My 3100 was GREAT on hills and it never took more than 1/2 throttle to keep 65 up some pretty steep ass hills! Hell, may times I'd be up over 100...lol...till the check engine light would come on...HA

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65 max! most of the time its between 50 and 60.


i go up some really steep hills and if i floor it im lucky to get up to 65. and also when i do it my temp gauge goes up to like 240

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I mean if I set the cruise at 65, Ive gone up sone pretty step as hills and that holds it. Ever since I got the new muffler on, it hardly ever kicks out of OD going up the hills. But like on the drive to thacher park for the autofest car show, I was following John and his friends and it was horrible Id loose them up every hill, espeically on the way back from it.

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That's weird. Granted, ND isn't known for hills, but I can put the 2.8 on cruise at 70 in 5th and it keeps up very well, certainly better than my Jeep. That thing shifts down quite a bit, but I blame that on the oversize tires. I'll come down maybe 3-4 mph in the CS on hills, but it never feels like it's lugging the motor.

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I hate cruise control going up hills. Mine is stupid where it will kick out of overdrive, then lock the toque converter, then hit overdrive, then repeat the process again as it started slowing down lol....stupid car.


Mine can maintain pseed if I manually shift into drive and press 1/2 on the pedal, however if I wanted to pass a semi or something I couldn't gain much speed since this car has NO torque in the RPM band it would be in...poorly geared in my opinion.

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I need new tires, struts, and an alignment (big time). I'm afraid to put it more than 150kmh/ 95mph cause it shakes pretty bad. I'd like to get that shit fixed and see if I can do 180 like my old 2.8 :lol:

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yeah I duno. Its really weird.


Maybe when its not in OD Im just to big of a pussy to actually get on it or what I duno. I just feel like when Im going up the hills and it slows down, I step into it(maybe not enough I duno) but it just seems like Im beating the shit out of it cuz I can hear the engine cancel out my muffler. Which doesnt happen!?

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^^ that's normal.


Big car > little V6 engine




I just bag the shit outta my car sometimes. It's not that the engine is small (remember F1 cars have 3 liter engines lol)...just it is (well my enigne for sure) is weak as hell power wise.


Christ I can't hang with any of my friends in my car...it is to heavy and the engine doesn't have the torque where it should be.

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10,000 feet elevation hills kill my car. the best i ever could do was 77 at full throttle up a 6% or so grade. car never wants to downshift unless i punch it hard and it only goes up to like 5200 for a couple seconds before it goes back down and doesnt want to rev up past 4000 at all. pisses me off. fuckin stock deisel trucks always pass me. my mom's 01 3.8 gp does better.

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YOU wanna know trouble up hills, we took my friends 1986 CHevy Celebrity Duke wagon, and we had Me, Samantha, Her mom, Jack, sams sister, and the dogs, and we were going up a hill, not SUPER steep, but we were like, going from 45 then 40, then 30, then 25, she had it Floored! and we barley made it to the top :lol:

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LoL, it would be interesting to start rolling backwards, eh??


@1990lumina: Dude, you shouldn't talk in this topic, you're in Saskatchewan, you know damn well we got no hills around here, hahahaha, j/k.


I did drive my car today down a "hill" and then it straightened out, and I got it up to 178 or 180kmh, it was hard to see the needle, and watch the road, it was a bad time, and it was getting dark. The speed dropped to like 170 kmh or so, and then it went back up, and just stayed at 180kmh maxed, I don't know if needle was stuck, or whatever, but it felt like I was accelerating slowly, but the governer didn't slow me down. :shrug:

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Yeah, how damn fast are you trying to go up the hills?


My 3100 was GREAT on hills and it never took more than 1/2 throttle to keep 65 up some pretty steep ass hills! Hell, may times I'd be up over 100...lol...till the check engine light would come on...HA


Yea mine is fine...i just don't have the check engine problem :wink:

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My parents house in PA is at the top of a very steep hill...I don't know what you guys are having problems with...when going about 40mph at the bottom, by the time it flattens out a little i am doing 65.


Our Mustang GT 5.0 Convertible doesn't do much better (its an '83)


You sure you dont have a 2.8 in that lol :lol:

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