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i had the bose silver series with the 3.5's in the doors and im wondering how the wires run to the spaces in the dash for the 4x6's because i want to add an amp and some extra speakers and use a factory spot. Thanks.


i actuallly added some to my car and i found the easiest way to run the wiring was to take the whole dash cover off by taking all the screws out right above the gauge and all the way down then you can see everything and can run the wire right thru the dash and to the radio and have it all hidden


the wires arnt going to the headunit though, im getting an amp and im gonna have to run them to the trunk. is there an easier way to do it besides taking the dash cover off? Thanks.


Um. Taking the dash cover off isn't exactly rocket science. Make your job a 100x easier and just remove it..


i know, iv had plenty of dash's completely apart but i didnt know if there was an easier way to go from the speaker area to the floor instead of the headunit. Thanks anyways.


If you already have cutouts for dash speakers....remove the speaker grille by prying up on all sides of the grille. Next, remove both lower access panels under the dash...total of 4 screws. Shine a light on top of the dash pointing down. Next, get a coat hanger and bend it all out straight. Going from under the dash, push the hanger straight up. It will go up and through the hole where the speaker goes. Now tape your wiring to the coat hanger tightly, and gently pull it back down.

Do this for both side of the speakers and then you can have your wires down under the dash instead of on top under the dash pad.

Wire them to your trunk however you like.


I did the above procedure and it worked fine for me


Remeber that it is best for power if you keep all the wires as short as possible. You will have less power loss if you were to mount the amp for the dash speakers somewhere closer than the trunk, i.e. under a seat or under the dash somewhere.


Thanks, that was exactly what i was looking for.and about the amp, i know it would be better but i plan on running a 4 channel for my 6x9's and 4x6's, plus the amp is rated more than the 4x6's i want to put in so hopefully that will make up for it slightly. anyone know where to get some polk's cheap, right now its lookin like about 80 bucks for the pair. Thanks.


An amp? for 4x6 and 6x9 use? that is definately overkill.


deck power should get all the sound they can put out.

Why do you want a 4x6 in your car?


If I went through the time to install an amp for cabin speakers I would not use "full range" speakers.


we are looking for high powered drivers with a focused bandwidth.



Or "separates" with crossovers.


IMO full range speakers sound the same with deck power or amp.


Tweeters go in the dash and mids go in the doors.


I guess one step at a time though. Get the amp for now.


my deck is rated for 25 watts rms x 4. my infinity 3.5's in the doors are rated for 25 rms so im leaving them hooked up to the headunit. my polk db 690 6x9's are rated at 100 rms each so there way underpowered and the polk 4x6's im getting are rated at 40 rms, so they could use some help. the amp i want is a jbl 4 channel that puts out 67 rms x 4, so i think it would work out perfect if i just turned the front down a little. so does anybody a good cheap place for some polks or does anyone have any other speakers they would recomend (sp) Thanks.


those 6x9s are 100w huh? bet you you could use a 60 watt/channel amp and way overpower them.


Parts Express is in Ohio. If I lived there, I would be going there.


Don't know if they carry Polk, they got some MB Quart stuff sometimes.



Hey, a 3.5" full range speaker is going to be your saddest mistake :lol: .


i already have the 3.5's and 6x9's in my car and they all sound great. all my speakers came with built in crossovers so they dont sound like shit which would make them not "full range". the 3.5's are 2-ways and the 6x9's are 3-ways so i do have tweeters, midranges and woofers. and as far as overpowering the 6x9's, i seriously doubt that, read any review on them and they all say its like night and day when you put a good amp behind them, these arnt cheap speakers ($150) so they can handle it. thanks for the opnion though.


4x6s and 3.5s :roll: I would never put either of those in my car, or recommend that anyone does. 4x6s are poorly shaped and as a result they dont put out very clean sound, and they are to small to produce much, if any midbass. 3.5s are utterly usless, they are way to small to produce any sort of sound, you are MUCH better getting a set of tweeters. 6x9s are really only useful if you dont have a sub becasue they produce some amount of bass. 6x9s, much like the 4x6s are oval shaped and therefore do not produce very clean sound. You will be MUCH happier with a good set of 6.5" component speakers up front, and no other speakers, when you get a good set of front speakers your other speakers (especially the 6x9s) will be drowned out, and only muddy your good soundstage.


The moral of the story is, get a good set of 6.5" component speakers up front, and forget all the other speakers. You will get the loudest and cleanest sound that way.


The 6.5 speakers have to be fiberglassed in custom pods like the other thread.


If you use 4 inch components then you can use the factory speaker pods and just skim them with fiberglass so they are sealed.


I did that so they fit under the factory door panel and thieves dont even see them. 8)


They are only 4's but they put out perfect mid frequencies because they are Boston Acoustic speakers and have good voice coils, big 4 inch magnets, and are sealed with small enclosure for a tight sounding mid.


You could do what I did in my car, cut the stock speaker hole in the door bigger so it will fit the 6.5s, then mount the tweeter on the dash. I have a 93 Lumina, it didnt have the bose system, but the door panels should be the same or similar.


i planned on getting a sealed backing plate from crutchfield for the 4x6's and my 3.5's are in the factory boxes in the door and they sound great. the front just needs to a little louder in my opnion because the 6x9's are so loud.


Fade your rear speakers, you should be getting around 75% of your sound from the front stage anyways, your 6x9s should only be for rear fill.

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