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Hard to find ABS Parts


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Anyone in a good mood? :))


I need a slight favour.. What's the cheapest price anyone has seen an ACCUMULATOR off that bloated, poorly engineered monstrosity called Powermaster III sell for? Local GM parts shop here (ontario, canada) quoted me a price of around $550 canadian for that friggin ball of nitrogen. Ouch.. out of question..


I've been trying for about 6 months to find one in junkyards but no luck.. They're very very rare and the only one that had it was selling it with the PM III unit for around ~$1000 canadian with a measly 4 months warranty.. just nuts..


I would appreciate any help in locating a place where I can find the Accumulator selling for a reasonable price.. I came across one GM parts shop on the net selling it for ~$100 US but AFAIK they didn't do any shipping to canada.

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Well, I know GM raised the prices of some of their stuff recently, and that was one of the parts. Best bet is to buy it from that place you found it for $100 in the US, and have the place send it to someone in the US (I will do it if you like) and have them send it to you via Fedex or UPS.



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Yeah, that's the place I saw it go for $90 but like you said it actually checksout at $280!


By the time I convert that to canadian and add all the shipping charges to get around the fact that they don't ship to canada.. well.. I'm back to $600 range..




I was seriously thinking of converting the PM III to maybe simple Vacuum setup but the firewall connections and about a half dozen other things aren't the same.. big pain in the a$$..

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Try Prior Remanufacturing. I know they have them cus there on there rebuilt units. Its biggger than the stock with the nut on the back instead of the front. There on the net. You can buy a whole rebuilt unit for about $450.00. Sure yours acum is bad?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the middle a of swap III to VI, It's not that bad, You don't have to replace firewall panel.

I grow sick and tired from pump, relay, sensor, frequent operation problems on that POS. :guns: PM III

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Thanks for the heads up, Paul. I'm ashamed to say I haven't thought of asking AC Delco.. :)

Anyway, if possible let us know how the conversion goes from III to VI.. I've also had it with PM III in my cutty. The problems with the poor sliders on calipers are nothing compared to this beast..

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I will try to write an entire procedure How to "Swap the crap". So far I have all mechanical parts installed with the exeption of the brake lines.

If you need any details on that portion i'll be glad to help

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