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Swapping ECM for FFP chip


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I plan to buy the chip this Friday so I want to run a few things by you guys first. I tried searching but couldn't really find anything I was looking for. Sorry if there's a thread I should be looking at but couldn't find.


How do you open the box that the ECM is in? I saw there's a nut on top so I took that off but still couldn't get it. Do I need to pop the box out after taking the nut off?


Is it pretty obvious how it installs? I've never even looked at the computer on any car so it's all new to me. Pictures would be GREATLY appreciated if anyone has some or can get me a few.


I appreciate anything.

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yeah, remove the 10mm nut on top of the ecm. you got to pull up and towards you to get it loose.(there is a threaded pole on bottom too, no nut) then get the 1/4" or 7mm socket and flip the ecm around and remove the 4 bolts on the cover. press on the tabs inside to release the stock chip.

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with those chips do you get a replacement memcal or do i have to send mine away and use my non daily driver?


I don't think you need to send Ben your current one. How would you drive your car? Besides, I had an extra one lying around and he wasn't interested in buying it..

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I use adapters now. BTW, its a WOT chip, wot-tech specifically:P I don't sell them through FFP anymore.


Right, I'll have to remember that. Knew you didn't sell them through FFP but that's what it's commonly called. :) Look forward to an order this Friday or Saturday. :D

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