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phantom hud and t/s problem


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about a month ago my hud started dimming all of the sudden and would go out and come back on. the next day no problem. then, yesterday it started doing it again and also the turn signals wouldn't flash (new instance). when i drove the car today, hud and t/s worked fine. anyone have this problem before? any input? thanks

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Guest Anonymous

It sounds like the actual HUD unit. Mine does that when it gets really hot outside. The solder joints just get old i guess... and the image slowly fades out to nothing and comes back once it cools down in the car.

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why would the t/s do that? neither day was hot. i dont see how that would cause it? i'm thinking some sort of loose connection too. i couldnt wiggle the turn signal into working, which usually means the switch isnt bad. but working and then not working it pisses me off. i wish it would just quit working so it would be easier to fix.

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I've heard of this happening in the GP HUDs that have the little electric eye in them (for autodimming). I think the eye and/or some circuitry near it needs resoldered.


sounds plausible. i'll just deal with it till it does it a lot and really pisses me off. the hud is the greatest thing ever on a car (besides climate control and radio). i hate driving cars without it.

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I've heard of this happening in the GP HUDs that have the little electric eye in them (for autodimming). I think the eye and/or some circuitry near it needs resoldered.


Do the pre-97 HUDs have that photo cell?



If they do have the photo cell, this might help you pwmin.




You can use lacquer thinner to remove the waxy coating or whatever it is on the circuit board so that you don't contaminate the solder.

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