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Think this is a good box for me?

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I wouldnt......That box is only made of particle board....not even MDF. And for not much more you can make yourself a Vented enclosure to utilise the space you have. Mine only cost me $60 to build and thats with the $25 box of brad nails.


If you consider building one yourself.....let me know I'll help you with the plans.

what are brad nails? I always use screws.


Air nailer.....no need for pre drilling or counter sinking that way. They can cut the build time nearly in half.


Because once the glue is dried the screws and nails are useless anyways.


I can make those pre-fab boxes sound really good by screwing on a mdf or even plywood faceplate and cut new holes. You gotta use lots of liquid nails in between or rip off the carpet. then if you spray a can of undercoating in there you should finally get good sound out of em. :wink: just re glue all the corners.


Maybe f/glass the inside and over the face plate would make a difference.


I did up a chip-board box my friend got for free and it amazed him. the faceplate is the main point of resonance. the rest matters less just as long as it is air tight.


Puggsley456 would u be willin to design me a box? I'm not very good at designin me a box but i can build them pretty good.

Puggsley456 would u be willin to design me a box? I'm not very good at designin me a box but i can build them pretty good.


Sure I can see what I can do. :D


DO you want a vented box or sealed? And if vented I would assume arround 30Hz?


And its for your type E's right?


One things for sure, dont get my box, its not good for SPL, because I didnt score to high in that one :lol:


CRRRRAPPPPPPPPP!!!!! I just got a freakin p/t job today from 5 till 10 and i have skool from 6 till 330. Looks like i wont have time now to build a box. Do they sell that thing anywhere? if not could u look around on the net for a good box?


alright since i started my new job we got shut down for a bit so now i have some time to build me that badass box up der'. Puggsley456 Would you im me sometime? i have some questions about that box.

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