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how do I Change the coils on a '92 STE 3.4 DOHC?

My #1 cylinder isn't firing and I need to change the coil. Also will the coil from a '99 GTP (3800II) work???



That coil will work. There are two 5.5 mm bolts that hold the coil to the ICM, just take them out and pull the old coil off.

That coil will work. There are two 5.5 mm bolts that hold the coil to the ICM, just take them out and pull the old coil off.


any tips on getting there? the location is VERY tight!!!


well I couldn't get it out. (I need to remove the 2\5 coil). The two 5.5mm bolts are very rusted and I think they are stripped. Any tips on how I can get it out? I also tried to remove the bracket that holds the coils in (looks like 2 1\2 screws) but I couldn't get the bracket to come out even after removing those two bolts.

I need some help!!!


I don't know about the DOHC, but on the 3.1 there are 3 bolts holding the ECM to the block. The third is right in the middle underneath the coilpacks, fairly out of sight, and I here it's quite the bitch to get it out...


there is no coil bracket the 6 5.5mm bolts go through the coils and the icm. when all the coils are off the icm falls right off. it took me 5 hours to get them off the first time. if you use a 1/4 inch ratchet and a 1/4 inch extension thats about 3 inches long its much easier. once you get them loose use a nut driver to take them the rest of the way out, it goes much quicker. you just have to use your fingers to feel around and get a really good picture in your mind of what they look like. i also tried to take my fan out and couldnt do it because the fan hit the manifold before it cleared the mounting bracket. yours might come out which would make it tons easier. it also might not be your coil because the coil fires both terminals at once, one of the cylinders will be on the compression stroke and will use the spark while the other wont because its on the exhaust stroke, so i would make sure all your wires are good and leave the coils as a last resort. hope this helped.good luck.

how do I Change the coils on a '92 STE 3.4 DOHC?

My #1 cylinder isn't firing and I need to change the coil. Also will the coil from a '99 GTP (3800II) work???



if only one cylinder is firing a bad coil doesn't make sense


each coil fires 2 spark plugs, so if a coil is bad two cylinders wouldn't be firing


sorry I meant that the coil is dead. IT looks like it exploded!!!

So yes 2 cylinders aren't firing (2 and 5).

The thign is the bolts (5.5mm) so soo rusted that I think they are stripped. I Cannot get them out!!! So I wanted to remove the entire bracket with the coils and ICM so I Can try to take it apart. Does anyone have a pic of the coil bracket so I Can see what I need to remove.

Any tips on getting the rusted\stripped 5.5mm bolt out???

(my car has 305,000km on it, and faced lots of canadian winters... so its very rusty).


pull the ICM with the coils ( 3 15mm bolts). soak them in PB blaster for a while and iirc, you can start the unscrewing from behind the ICM (unscrew the bolt itself) then use the socket 2 remove the bolt.


pain in the balls, but it can be done.

pull the ICM with the coils ( 3 15mm bolts). soak them in PB blaster for a while and iirc, you can start the unscrewing from behind the ICM (unscrew the bolt itself) then use the socket 2 remove the bolt.


pain in the balls, but it can be done.


I tried to remove the bracket\icm, but I cannot find the third bolt.

anyone have a pic of the bracket? I undid the 2 bolts already (1\2")


the 3ed bolt is a bitch 2 get 2, its right in the middle on the bottom, again, its a bitch 2 get to. feel around for it first, it might be the kinda bolt with attached 2 the threaded rod, dont remember. but when ya do get it out, dont bother reinstalling it.


thanks again, bottom middle, i'll try and work on it today and report back if I Can get it out.


well I couldn't find the bolt, the starter is soo close I Cannot see or feel any bolt down in the middle.

anyone have a pic of the bracket?

I got the two side bolts off, but cannot find this middle bolt at all! And the 5.5mm bolts that hold the coils are rusted so bad that they're stripped. So I need to remove the bracket so I Can work on the bolts holding the coils.


im almost positive there is no bracket holding the icm. i have a spare set of coils and icm in my trunk and i didnt take off any bracket to get the icm off. i have a feeling your wasting your time trying to get a bracket that might not be there because our cars cant be that much different just look at my sig.



its upside down, but you get the idea


dear Gawd, that bracket is gonan be a pain to remove.

do I need to remove the starter?


its only 10x easyer, but im lazy, always figured out how 2 get it from the top. you can try rocking the motor foward (pull the dogbone and push the motor back). might want 2 disc. the battery just so ya dont hit the + and fry yaself


well if it is posible to remove it without taking the starter out then I'll try it that way first.


I removed all 3 bolts, and the damn thing still wont come out!!!

What am I missing? is there another bolt somewhere?

Do I need to remove the starter to get this thing out?

I can wobble it a bit, but to me it seems like there is another bolt somewhere holding it in. I Can slightly move it side to side.


turns out there was 4 bolts, anyways got them off, changed the 1 coil and put it all back together.

unfortunitly the coils weren't my problem (4 days wasted on taking the damn coils out).

I think I'll try injectors next.


rather then tossing $ into the car, why not figure out whats wrong first. you said the coil "exploded" yet only 1 cyl was misfiring? change that 1 plug? check the ohm from the fuel injector (search on the resistance it should have), make sure the wires on tight and the injector harness is in good shape.


throwing money at the car wont get ya anywhere quickly


4 bolts? there aren't even 4 bolt holes on the ICM bracket to the block.. :shrug:

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