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car wont start!


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This is what happened.... I was on my way home from droppinmg some friends off at home. Then when i turned on to my street my car all of a sudden lost power and i notice the rpms wouldnt go past 3000 floored so i let off then floored it again and it reved really high then dropped down to 3000 again. Now i pull into my drive and the car acting like only a couple cylinders are firing while at idle. So then i turn the car off. I tried to start it and it took like 2-3 mins to get it to start and once started it was so rough and i mean rough then it just died. i tried to start it again but no luck. I let it chill for a bit then like 2 hours later it started with no problems and idled fine for about 5 mins then died and i could never get it to start again. I havent changed anything i just checked the front 3 plugs and the 2 to the right were tan color and the one all the way to the left was wet. i am guessing my prob might be the plugs, but i wanna see what u guys think the problem is. it will spit and put like it want to start but it will not turn on. please help me guys. thx in advance Danny


sorry for the bad spelling i am just so frustrated with this car!

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Whoa, turbo... before you go running off and hitting something, lets work this out. Ok, so when you trying to run the car over 3K RPM's, did it fight against you or did the engine "free spin" (like the tranny is not engaging)?


I would change plugs and check spark; also check to see if the car is throwing a trouble code. Check W-Body.com or W-Body Performance to dignosis if your unfamiliar with the process. Otherwise, there could be a ton of possibilities at the moment... we don't know what you've replaced lately so are guesses are going to be general and straight off the blackboard. Best of luck, and keep us informed!


- RedFox340

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well i didnt change anything. i didnt know where to start so i just pulled trhe front 3 plugs to check em. when it was at 3k it seem like something was against me. like something was getting what it needed. i am guessing fuel or spark. i have gas in the car. i changed the fuel filter about 3 months ago. but i did run this car on E couple times. i heard the fuel pump when u turn the key half way so that works. i didnt check for spark though too cold and snowy here we have about 12 inches of the white stuff. ummm lets see i changed the iac valve when i changed the fuel filter. its cheap a$$ plugs in there cuz my mom had the car before so maybe its old sparkey jusat dont know tell i can change them keep throwing me some ideas. when the car had started doing what its doing NO service engine light came on.

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Ok, so if you were fighting to run the car over 3K RPMs, that sounds like a Transmission Neutral switch is faulty. It sends a voltage signal to the ECM so that you can not rev the engine over 3K RPMs in Park or Neutral. The switch did either not engage or it's old and dead.


As for not starting, the TN switch doesn't effect start-up... but what does, and a big problem around W-Bodies, is the Crank Position Sensor. Search for postings on this forum (there's been a few recent topics, take a look) and that'll give you more information on dignostics and removal.


But, with no trouble codes, that's the basic idea of what you've got to work with at the moment. Do some research and take advantage of specific questioning on here (got a lot of gear-heads who know a ton) and before you know it, your car will be running again. There's not much to vehicle repair, usually it's a dead sensor or obvious severe mechanical failure.


- RedFox340

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its a lil over a Quarter tank in there. well thats al least what the fuel thingy says. Hmmmmm Maybe i should add some gas due to it being 18 inches of snow here and like 12 degress.

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i checked one of the plugs in the back of the engine and the one i pulled was wet with gas smell. I will change plugs today and see if that cures the problem i will let yall know what happens!

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ok. Just finished checking all plugs. the one in the front far left and the one in the back far left. both of them were wet with gas. so i am guessing that means i need 2 plugs and the coil to the far right needs to be replace am i right??? also is the coil hard easy what from the looks of it tha hard will be the plugs cause man thems plugs are no joke gettin too.

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Alright, we're making progress... so, 2 cylinders aren't firing and there on the passenger side or driver side? Do both of the plug wires attach to the same coil? (I couldn't tell from you post and wanted to know)


If so? BINGO! We found the problem. There's two ways to pull the ignition coil.

1.) You pull the bad coil off right from the car... two bolts but you can't see squat; or...


2.) You pull and disconnect the ignition module (all three coils and metal ignition plate) from the vehicle (remember to number your plug wires) and replace all the coils while it's out. That would be the recommended thing to do since one has already failed... you can access the module from either the top or bottom side of the vehicle but expect to spend a good hour or two and some patience. They do come out, you just need to be gentle and love your car alot. Best of luck and don't bust a knuckle!


- RedFox340

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bith plugs are on the passenger side of the car. I changed one coil and today i ma have to change the fouled plugs. then i got to jump my battery cuz it died from cranin the car over an over. so imalet ya know what happens! asap

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man i give up on my grand prix. i changed the coil and sparks and still no start so fuck it its going in the shop. man i hate this car. the worst part of it breakin down on me like 11 times is this time it broke down on me when i was bout to take my girl out on valetines day so u know she was really pissed, but i let ya guys know what the shop says and how many arms and legs ima need to get it fixed.

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maybe you need to give it a little flammable persuasion like I did last night. Shoot some carb cleaner in the intake, try starting it with the pedal to the floor for about 10 seconds, stop, then try starting again. Don't ask me why

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well the mech i took it to got it started the same way i did. the mech said it might be the fuel pump but he wasnt sure because he couldnt hook it up to a machine. well when i just sprayed some intake cleaner and it started up but rough as hell. its either the fuel pump or the crank shaft sensor. take ya vote. i will change the sensor tonight or in the morning. One reason why i dont think its the fuel pump is because when i turn the key i hear the fuel pump whining. so let me know what u guys think???

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