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i didn't know the seat belts provide no protection if the door opens....kind of sobering.


I think about that everyday, and point it out to almost everyone that rides in my car. Makes them feel great too.


"hey, if these seatbelts are on the door, how the fuck are they going to do anything if I lose a door?"


I never thought about it TOO much, but reading over that page made me really wary of getting another pre-'95 in general. I'll probably forget about it by morning, but still...

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Yeah, that's a big reason I'm glad I've got a '95. Door mounted seatbelts are shit. I tried not taking my seatbelt off in the '89 when I had it, just getting out of the car. First of all, I almost tripped on the belt getting out, and then getting in was a bitch too. What was GM thinking? Don't they have beta testers???

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i didn't know the seat belts provide no protection if the door opens....kind of sobering.


I think about that everyday, and point it out to almost everyone that rides in my car. Makes them feel great too.


"hey, if these seatbelts are on the door, how the fuck are they going to do anything if I lose a door?"


I never thought about it TOO much, but reading over that page made me really wary of getting another pre-'95 in general. I'll probably forget about it by morning, but still...


I've thought about it a lot... enough that I've seriously considered converting mine to conventional belts. It makes sense though, if the door opens, what's going to stop you from falling right out?


On the plus side, very rarely does the door come open in an accident, especially with the giant striker that GM uses.


I didn't know about the vertical vs. horizontal airbags, I've never heard that one. I don't even know what that means.

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I think about it almost everytime I get in my car....and everyone that gets in my car and says "oh shit, that's cool how the seatbelt is easy to reach" I tell them what happens if the door rips off in a crash....that shuts them up.


The way I see it is if I get in an accident, I'll either fall out if the door opens, get pinned between the seat and seat belt, or just up and die if it's bad enough.

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Yeah, there are a couple benefits to the seatbelts being on the doors, but they're all convenience benefits. There are no safety benefits. I do like how it's easy to get into the back seat of a coupe without having to duck under the seatbelt.


The best would probably be seat-mounted belts like on GM fullsize trucks and SUV's.

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In my accident in my white gp, I was thrown about 10 feet from the car because of these seatbelts. The car spun 360, and went into a ditch, and somehow, the door came open and I went flying. I was not very hurt, but only because it was a field and not pavement that I went into!


PS: My doors were locked

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wow that sight is full of .. bad things.. they dont mention that we have a 5-star crash test rating. + my breaks are great! only replaced the rotors once and the pads once both front and rear. suspension is somewhat new kyb gr-2s and at 194,000 miles all i can say this car is F-ing awesome for what it is.

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they dont mention that we have a 5-star crash test rating


I don't know about you, but the last time I checked my car has a 2-star frontal rating...


just checked yours... yea, YOU have a 5 star rating.. earlier Ws don't. Others went up to 4 when they got airbags...

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He doesn't just have 5-star frontal, but check IIHS.org, those Luminas are pretty damn good for offset too. The early pre-airbag, door mtd seatbelt W's are terrible safety-wise. After seeing Kfahn's story, I think I'm seriously going to convert mine.

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mine was a 95, so it isn't only the pre-airbag W's that are bad, but I would still reccomend converting. I got lucky, but it could have been a lot worse.



In defense of the car, I was t-boned at 90, and I got out of it only minorly lconcussed. The police sar the car and were amazed. I was hit right behind my seat, and the panel was bent in almost a foot and a half, but the i-beam at the door held up and kept me alive. Inches forward, and I wouldn't be saying any of this.

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Guest Anonymous

I often wondered about the safety of my vehicle when i downgraded from the 95 to the 92. I like the interior looks alot better, and at first i was a bit wary of the lack of an airbag, but that doesn't bother me anymore.


When i first started driving the 92 full time, i noticed how the seatbelts are. It looks like they only attach to the door with a piece a plastic- is this so? How hard would it be to convert to the 94+ style belts (plus i can get the leather door panels that way!!) would it really be worth it?

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I guess that's why they tell you to lock the doors while you're inside.


I don't think locking the doors will help you any. :lol:


Anyhow, I never thought of it that way, our old '90 Century was that way and I never questioned it. I guess I figured it was safer because of the two extra safety latches it had up at the top of the door.

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When i first started driving the 92 full time, i noticed how the seatbelts are. It looks like they only attach to the door with a piece a plastic- is this so? How hard would it be to convert to the 94+ style belts (plus i can get the leather door panels that way!!) would it really be worth it?


Unfortunately, you'd have to convert to 95-97 Cutlass or Monte Carlo seatbelts because GP coupes got the door mounted belts all the way until the 97 redesign. I don't know if the 95-96 Regals got the pillar mounted belts or not.


I don't know how hard it will be to convert to pillar mounted belts, but I'll definitely be investigating it. Being ejected sounds incredibly unpleasant! Right now I'm guessing the hardest part is having a threaded bung welded into the pillar and also into the floor.

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