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serpintine belt isnt moving


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Well my drivebelt isnt moving anymore. I Noticed this today when i went and fired the z34 up before going down to get insurance for her. Well heres the problem.....


I was having a hellova time getting the tensioner to provide the correct tension for the belt. So i went out and got a slightly smaller belt (1" smaller)



well now the belt isnt moving at ALL . i noticed the crank is spinning but no the belt what the hell could this be? Im guessing something with my tensioner?



This really sucks to because i just sent my insurance company 600 bucks for insurance to!




Heres the intresting part. Before i couldnt get the proper tension the belt was SQUEELING like no other, I mean HORRIBLE. now im guessing this was the belt but i have a feeling it was a pulley. I Also noticed my harmonic balancer was spinning weirdly,But then again i didnt pay much attention to it. Im going to go remove the belt and check all the pulleys and make sure they all spin smooth.


Anything else this could be besides a pully or tensioner issue? And how would i test my tensioner / pulleys ?

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If your tensioner is shot, have you replaced it? Can you push the tensioner up against the belt and get the belt to move?



what do you mean? I Put the bolt in the tensioner, Pull the tensioner up against the belt and then tighten the bolt. The belt doesnt tighten hardly at all. That is why i went to the 1" smaller belt, Even with that i can slide the drivebelt off the power steering pully.

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another thing........... about a week ago the belt was moving fine when i installed it, Now when i check today for the first time since then its not moving at all. I Could visibly see the crank pully moving but nothing else was moving, Im guessing the belt isnt tight enough if i can slip it off the top pully



update :


alt pully spins smooth

ps pully spins smooth

wp pully spins smooth

crank pulley spins with motor

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Well if you can take the belt off the ps pulley with no problem then something is way to loose. Either your belt it to big, or your tensioner isn't tensioning properly

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Well if you can take the belt off the ps pulley with no problem then something is way to loose. Either your belt it to big, or your tensioner isn't tensioning properly


it gave me a little bit of effort, But not much it came off. .



im going to order another tensioner today.

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shouldnt the tensioner pull itself to the belt when i tighten the bolt? because i have to reef on it pulling it into the belt.


Sorry, but what do you mean by reefing on it?


You shouldn't have to pull the tensioner to the belt

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I use a wreench to pull the tensioner away from the belt. It should have a strong string, and if you can even consider taking the belt off by hand, i'd say it's shot.

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alright guys thats what i figured, My tensioner HAS to be gone lol




anyway i ordered another one and it will be here friday, So ill give her hell and hopefully my z34 will be pimping down the road at 130 once more

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