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sunroof stuck open...


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on my gf's 95 GTP. It has a history of not opening sometimes, and this time it has been stuck open for 2 days now. I pried that plastic shield thing open so the roof isn't just open, but of course it rained last night and the thing is pretty wet and the electronic things got wet where the glass would normally cover.


Just curious to see if any of you w-body owners have had this happen and what I may be able to do to fix it. I don't know much about electronics and little motors unfortunately. :?

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if its intermittent you proably need a new motor because the gear is stripped. no problem head to the JY. you kinda messed up lettin the rain in on the electronics and visor. the electronics should be okay hopefully but you prolly gonna get water stains on the cloth visor. if your sunroof quits when its stuck open, put a board and garbage bag over it. my car was like that and it took forever to get the mildew smell out, thank god the electronics were fine but now the visor has let go of the cloth and it looks totally ghetto with rotten foam etc. cover it when you park it at home till you get it fixed man

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Thanks for the info, yeah I really f'ed up but it was the only thing I could do right then. Of course it's been raining for 2 days straight from the hurricane....I put a plastic cover over the roof and taped on some ponchos and trash bags lol. It is pretty ghetto looking. Oh well, guess I'll go to the JY tomorrow and search for that motor and hope that works with the electronics.

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I had one of those clear plastic bags blanket sets come in strapped to my roof and pinned into both door so it wouldnt blow away for the 3 months the car sat on the side of the road in disrepair with no plates, that was alot easier than the humiliation of opening my visor now and having rotten foam and shit fall onto my passengers head lol. I wish I had done this the day I had the problem rather than seeing the car fill with rain and then taking action. good luck man pick from a GP similar model and I dont think you can wrong. I love hacking at a jy car with a pry bar, hacksaw and hammer to get at a part, just dont let the employees see ya doin it! lol

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Luckily I can keep the bags off since it hasn't been rainy all week. Unfotrunately, no junkyards around had any GP's or with sunroofs so I had to order one from one in PA for $20. Hell, I couldn't even get one from NAPA, They said you have to go through the factory, which is like $250 which is retarded. So that $20 one seems manageable. Now we'll have to put it in...

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