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DIS or electrical short


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Car died instantly going down the road today (20mph) loud noise from stereo then nothing. Will not turn over only accesories will work. Replaced ignition switch (in steering column in last 12 months), replaced all coils and ignition module in last 12 months also. When my previous ignition module went bad the positive cable to the battery had shorted (after wet detailing) to the module and ried it. It seems that the car did turn over when this happened the last time but I cannot remember for sure. All sensors and relays replaced within last 20,000 miles. Only thing I noticed today on the street when trying to see what might be wrong was a strange noise (not loud) that is coming from under or in the FPR area or very close to that area almost like a flutter when my wife would turn the key to off. Thought it might just be the reduction in pressure when the fuel pump turns off with the ignition switch. Probably always there but never had my ear close enough to notice. Towing home at noon and go from there. Also I had the electrical center (above passenger front wheel) fall down into access panel and short the primary fan relay a couple of days ago. Bought a new relay and got the electrical center where it belongs, fan ran fine after that, but never looked under to see what might have happened with all wire connections there. So does any of this go to the DIS?, I'm sure some of it goes to the ECM. TIA for any replies, Dale.

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Anybody know what the unsheathed solid copper wire is that runs into the 3 prong connection on the left of the ignition module. It is wrapped in some heat resistant foil tape with a purple primary wire and a yellow primary wire,then inside plastic accordian flex, runs over and behind the A/C compressor. Moving iginition module and coils to the area the battery will be vacating today. I'm wondering how to keep the integrity to this circuit when I splice into it and extend it to the tray area. TIA, Dale M. Omaha, NE.

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THe foil wrapped wire is the connection between the Crank Position sensor and the ICM.
Thanks for the info. Now does anybody on here have their coils and ICM relocated. Is this (foil/heat wrapping that wire) done for a reason or will heat shrinking rubber around the three wires do enough to insulate it. The wires will run directly over the primary fan, tucked up near the top of the radiator.
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