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Oh my GOD...Door handles...


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So on Sunday my drivers-side door handle broke. No big deal because I know they are original on my 89 Cutlass, so they're 16 years old and I've owned the car for over 5 years without and handle problems previously. I was warned that they always break so I have been pretty lucky for the past 5 years.


Anyways, I got two new ones yesterday because I figured I'd just go ahead and replace both sides, might as well.


I knew exactly how to swap them without a hitch. It's pretty simple and straight-forward. Just the 2 14mm bolt things, the 1 philips screw, and then just the two clips and swapping the key hole.


But then things got strange! I put the new one on, close the door, and it wouldn't work!? No big deal as I noticed that I could adjust it(the threaded lever bolt) so that when I pulled the handle the lever would get pushed down further. So I do that. Still not working! I then spend half-an-hour trying to figure out what the hell is going on!


I leave the door open and watch the levers to see how they move when I use the inside handle versus the outside handle. And guess what? They are both doing the EXACT same thing!! So why is only the inside handle working?? The new outside handle, even though it's operating properly, is not "popping" the latch open!? I even adjusted it so that the lever would be pushed down as far as possible when using the outside handle and it STILL won't unlatch the door!! It was driving me nuts and still is!! I kept comparing it to the passenger-side door, which still has the original handle at this point, and they are moving and acting the exact same as my new drivers-side handle.


So am I missing something here or what? There's only one adjustment that can be made, right? I just don't get it. It looks perfect, is installed perfect, but is not working!? And what makes it even more confusing is the fact that the inside handle works fine even though it is moving the lever the exact same way as the new outside handle...


Please help!!!



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I'd disconnect the linkage from the outside handle, trip the latch manually with a screwdriver, and then push the linkage down by hand to make sure it does work at all. Maybe something in the latch let go and the handle is fine. More than likely not, but worth a shot.

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