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Gas Prices?


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Springfield, Illinois Gas Prices


Yesterday's prices:

87 Octane w/ 10% Ethanol @ $1.47

90 Octane w/ 10% Ethanol @ $1.62

93 Octane w/ 10% Ethanol @ $1.72


Today's prices:

87 Octane w/ 10% Ethanol @ $1.74 :bawl:

90 Octane w/ 10% Ethanol @ $1.83 :bawl:

93 Octane w/ 10% Ethanol @ $1.92 :bawl:


Gas prices are too high. This is outrages.

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yeah on my way to Arbys last night, I noticed these here in Terre Haute, IN


87 $1.75

89 $1.85

93 $1.95


That is way too much for gas, I tried runnin on 87, and it idles rough and gets terrible mileage. Went back to 89 and it ran fine. Oh well, go figure



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Here is an email that I received that relates to the gas prices and how we could affect them.



We CAN buy gasoline that's not from Middle East. Why didn't George W. think of this? Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even be good for us!


The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An interesting thought is to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia.


Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from.


Which major companies import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00-8/31/01)


Shell............................205,742,000 barrels

Chevron/Texaco.........144,332,000 barrels

Exxon/Mobil................130,082,000 barrels

Marathon/Speedway...117,740,000 barrels

Amoco.........................62,231,000 barrels


If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION!


Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:

Citgo....................0 barrels

Sunoco............. .0 barrels

Conoco............. ..0 barrels

Sinclair............... 0 barrels

BP/Phillips.......... 0 barrels

Hess...................0 barrels


All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car; share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism.............

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$1.84 today for 87


Its BS. Just cause I'm way the hell up in northern Michigan and probably because of Winter Carnival starting tomorrow (lots of visitors to campus, which IS the only thing here). It was $1.64 last week this time.

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for canada we have a national price canada page at:




please remember that the canadian gallon is 4.554 litres as compared to the us gallon of 3.8 litres when comparing prices...

Heres a break-down from Canadian to US:

L  |  3.8 US L  |  0.807 CAD  |   3.0666 CAD-US Gal  |  0.65445 CAD-USD   |  $2.01 US
M  |  3.8 US L  |  0.864 CAD  |   3.2832 CAD-US Gal  |  0.65445 CAD-USD   |  $2.15 US
H  |  3.8 US L  |  0.903 CAD  |   3.4314 CAD-US Gal  |  0.65445 CAD-USD   |  $2.25 US

L = 87, M = 90, H = 93

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well, WAY DOWN HERE in the tip of texas we paying 1.56 for gas!! TRue this is bs!! i used to put 93 but damn, went back 2 87 and my car aint liking it one bit but oh, well, sometimes we have to make sacrifices

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Here is an email that I received that relates to the gas prices and how we could affect them.






Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from..............



LOL.. :)


That has to be one of the most naive things I've ever heard... It shows a complete lack of understanding of how Oil markets work. The importance of the Saudi's doesn't lie in month-to-month oil output, it's in spare capacity.. That's why the western world treats them with kid gloves. You can huff and puff about boycotting middle eastern oil but the nasty reality is pretty much all of the spare capacity (which means proven oil reserves, or oil that is sitting nice and pretty underground) exists today exclusively in that region. Take a look at this chart http://www.cc.jyu.fi/~majarven/worldoil.gif

Why the heck do you thing Geroge Dubya Bush is making such a big fuss about Iraq? It's 2nd only to the Saudi's in proven oil reserves. The Iraq's have not even begin to touch the vast amount of oil they have in their country.


Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, and god knows who else can ramp up their oil production to high heaven, but all of them combined won't even get close to insuring that enough oil can goes around for everyone, especially for energy hungry North American market.


So you wanna reduce, if not eliminate need to import middle eastern oil?


The only way to do it is completely change your lifestyle and encourage everyone else around you to do the same.. Yeah, it sounds impossible but that's the only long term solution.. unless of course some smartass at MIT or another university cracks Hot Fusion but until then we'll have to sharply cut the general level of materialism and excessive waste in almost everything we use on a daily basis.


What the heck does this mean?


Well, take a minute and ask yourselves why with just %5 of the world population we consume %25 of total energy production? Eating up 7, 8 or even 9% is understandable but twenty f**cking 5 percent? That's gluttony folks.. and the sad reality is we go around everyday doing our daily tasks not knowing we are gorging (literaly these days) for a time when eventually something will have to give.. This 'give' will in the future come in the form of ever growing China, which is gonna need and forcebly fight for the monsterous amounts of oil it will need to feed its growth.


You the North American consumer, yeah YOU.. Stop driving that f**king SUV or that luxury sedan with the V8. Force American car manufacturers to get back to designing smaller cars with great gas mileage. They've become greedy and lazy in competing with the Asians, that's why they've turned to the higher-profit-margins of trucks and SUV's (ironically of which the Asians are also selling now). Meanwhile the Big Three have almost completely neglected what in reality is going to be what people are gonna have to drive 15 to 20 years from now in North America, and that is small, extremely energy efficient vehicles with engines that run on hybrid fuel.

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im sure that by the time we need it, we'll have cars running on other things, like the hydrogen combustion engine that BMW is testing out. Small doesnt always equal efficient either, LIGHTER could equal efficient but sure as heck not smaller. Could you honestly say that with the huge open roads and vast land that is US people will drive tiny cars normally seen in Japan or Europe?

I agree on getting cars more efficient, that's part of the reason I have much resentment for large SUV drivers

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you know what.. that oil bit is a bunch of bs... I have looked at sites.. and even studied a few army resourse info packs and guess what...the real reason that we are buying are oil from the middle east isn't lack of oil....hell according the the army data.. oaklahoma alone has more oil the the whole middle east....it's called who has the oil in the end... the unoffical offical plan( yes you know what I mean) is to let the rest of the world run out and that leave us holding the barrel...we have oil in texas, oaklahoma, alaska, new mexico, idaho and florida...and thats just the ones worth mentioning...and as far as china goes..we are already giving china 90% of the oil coming out of the alaskan pipeline....and dont ask me why..maybe it's a treaty..maybe it's to get them to vote our way in the UN...could be something worse... but I will say this... at our current consumption we are supposed to run out the middle east in 50-80 years...and the us oil holdings should last around 250-500 years according to army data... and think about this.. the middle east is small in size...the whole place is smaller then new mexico...(I might be wrong about that.. I gotta go pull my atlas out and check sq miles....it might be smaller then california...not new mexico) but that being said ...with our land mass compared to thiers.. do you really think it's possible for us to have less oil...


oh yea one other reason they are supposedly hoding our oil...geological stabilty...they are afraid that removing the oil could cause giant sink holes and earth quakes...and the oil is in bad locations in reguards to cities for them to be causeing earth quakes...middle east..little people...little worries..sides sand dunes and tents dont care about earth quakes :naughty:

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...middle east..little people...little worries..sides sand dunes and tents dont care about earth quakes :naughty:


Excuse me but my parents are middle eastern (egyptian), i was born Canadian but it doesn't make me any less middle eastern...I don't think anyone with any sense of a brain could make a comment like that. little people? umm have u seen any population specs relating to the middle east? Cairo is one of the world's most populated cities, for example. and no, not everyone lives in a tent in the desert, as a matter of fact, lets take my family for example: i have a fairly large family and it's one of the most respected in Egypt. We own a lot of Alexandria, including buildings and businesses, and a lot of my cousins drive Jeep Cherokees and live in Villas/mansions....we do own property in the desert along the northern coastline and no we don't put up tents to stay there. instead we build villas on the beach. You probably think that all the rich arabs were made rich by Americans, right? wrong again bucko, i don't know ANY arabs that are rich because of oil...that's the government's business in my country. we're rich because of that little strand of entrepreneurship and maybe even some intelligence coursing through our veins...now to keep this as short, i'm hoping that comment wasn't made in a derogatorry, ignorant sense, because there's nothing that i hate more than american ignorance....no offense to everyone else.

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there's nothing that i hate more than american ignorance....no offense to everyone else.


no offense taken. i agree most americans are igorant, however by saying that you have just voided your entire argument. You disproved a stereotype and then added in your own. Im just posting to point that out

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