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Question about rear speaker polarity wiring '88 Cutlass

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Upon replacing the original Delco rear speakers, I see there is NO indication of polarity. All I see is the factory clips marked "A" and "B".


The left rear (driver side) has:

"A" yellow wire

"B" brown wire


The right rear (passenger) has:

"A" light blue wire

"B" dark blue wire


Are the "A"'s the positive abd "B"'s the negative?


1988 Cutlass Supreme 2DR Coupe FWD


I figured it out. I just noticed the pin assignments on the top of the Delco chassis 8)


Doesn't really matter which way you hook em up.


If their out of phase, you just switch a wire. Then your good.


If you want to compare the polarity of the speakers, use a AA or 9V battery. Simply put the neg and positive onto the speaker and it will either push the woofer out or suck it in. I beleive that if it pushes it out then the + on the battery will be the + on the speaker.


I installed new Pioneers and the manual says the big clip is positive and the small one is negative. Had to use the pin assignments on the Delco radio to figure out which wire went to what


11 L - AUX ......................1 LF -

12 AUD - C .....................2 LF +

13 R - AUX.......................3 RF -

14 AUD - C......................4 RF +

15 VOICE........................5 GRD

16 GRD ..........................6 P - LT

17 RR - (lt. blue)............7 DIM

18 RR + (dk. blue)..........8 ANT

19 LR - (yellow).............9 IGN

20 LR + (brown).............10 BAT


I couldnt install the Pioneer 4700 receiver because CarDomain sent me the wrong wire harness! :dammit:


Even with this old funky Delco receiver there is a dramatic change in quality of sound with these Pioneer speakers 8)

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