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Yup, I just bought a 1993 Lumina Z34 8), and I'm working out the previous owner's gremlins. One thing is the sound system, I do have the Bose Amp and two Bose "Gold" Speakers in the back. But the front speakers are "Blaupunkt" brand. It has a JVC Kameleon CD receiver. My audio sounds like god awful racket, (No GWAR jokes please) the blaupunkt speakers pop when there is bass, and the back two are crackling. I think the CD Receiver is not made for this car but the owner put it in anyway. :shrug: Thoughts, comments, solutions, are all welcome. Thanks.


I order to run normal speakers and an aftermarket headunit, I think you have to cut the amp out of the picture. You could probably rewire the whole car if you wanted to insure the best quality...do a search though, this topic has been brought up a couple times and the posts have good info iin them


about the kameleon: i had one and it was great. it's not THE best-sounding head unit on the market, true. but i think as far as value goes, jvc is just about the best. decent sound quality and aesthetics for what their units cost. and their high-end stuff is just about on par with any brand out there.


i'd say if it sounds that horrible, eliminate the factory amp and consider getting new speakers


This is what I tell customers at work when they have a Bose system: You replace one thing, you have to replace it all. Plus, theres gonna be a re-wire involved as well.


Thats not hard. Its worth it if you have good crimpers to hook it up.]


Does that head unit have individual x-over frequencies for the channels, or just fade controls. JVC usually never had that but the kamelion might if you scroll through the menu or look closely at the buttons.


Try to block out the bass on the stock paper cone cant handle it.

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