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How Much do you Guys pay for insurance? (TGP)


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ok so




2 years with full D.L.

no tickets or convictions


Ontario, Canada


cost for insurance


3872.93/ year ( no theft . or collission)(just liabality)

7598.00/year ( with theft and collission)



all i can say is FUCK thats alot of money

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Damn how can you aford that kind of $? :evil: That sucks. I pay 856/year with full coverage on the Solara and everything but comp and collision on the TGP. Only drive it about 1k a year. You can bet I'll never go without uninsured motorest here. Half the people don't have insurance. I am a tadd bit over 25 though. :lol:



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right now i have no theft or collision on my policy... tey said my car is too old and cant have theft? like wtf.... so i had to get some pictures done and stuff they shoulld be getting back to me this week weather i can get collission ( will only cost about 4150/ year if the decide the car is worth is ( it got appraised for just under 10 000 dollars lol so hopwefully they give it to me)

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damn Kuntzie, thats highway robbery! I pay $900 a year on my Grand Prix GT with everything! I just visited Geico for a free estimate and it came back at $368.90 for 6 months...and thats with a lower deductible on my comp($250 with no glass deduct). So thats like $737.80 for the year...which is not bad at all!

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$48 per month for my TSTE with full coverage, $50 deductable comp & collision, $300k liability, free towing for 200 miles, no windshield coverage. The Talon is $56 per month for the same. Crapilier is $18 per month for same coverage levels. 8)

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right now i have no theft or collision on my policy... tey said my car is too old and cant have theft? like wtf.... so i had to get some pictures done and stuff they shoulld be getting back to me this week weather i can get collission ( will only cost about 4150/ year if the decide the car is worth is ( it got appraised for just under 10 000 dollars lol so hopwefully they give it to me)


WTF kinda insurance company do you have?

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Canadian Insurance company = total bullshit... my sister had a 1994 Grand prix Se as her first car( coupe) and paid 114 a month and for me iwold be paind 4400 for the same coverage she has! kthey suck the money out of the guys here. she has 1 accident and 2 speeding tickets ( in the 3 years shes driven) and now has a 2003 cavi. and still pays less then me :(-- and the TGp is only classified here as a SE since they werent made here

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Yeah man, I'd start shopping around. ~$4000CD (prolly like $5 USD :wink: ) is a lot of money to be throwing at a ~15+ year old car just to be able to drive it and feel financially safe. I'd ride a bike if I couldnt find insurance cheaper than that.

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That is insane!!! I only pay $86 on one of my TGPs :shock: but that is only theft :lol: it never gets driven as there is no spare time to finish it up :cry: Those I drive run $505 with full coverage and low $250 deduct. I live near a big city so that hurts me!!!! and I know of people near or in big cities that use their parent's address out in the country to qualify for a better discount :shock: sshhhh :lol: . Key is to make sure to get the discounts!!!!...ABS helps, security system is a big help :shock: and of course, no tickets, and if you have some DO NOT change carriers if yours has not hit you up for them, wait 2 to 3 years (time frame in most states here) before you disturb or change your policy holder, really bad tickets stay on your record longer, some states forever :evil: ! Join your house/apartment and your car with the same carrier, or extra cars as dual policies are a discount too 8). Get the usage mileage low as it can be, I use Pleasure Use Only/less than x,xxx miles a year, and my carrier requests me to fill out a form stating my miles each year, which is no concern since my TGPs/TSTE don't get many miles, never asked me to show up and prove my odometer, yet, doubt they will. Pay your bill on time, even a few months ahead, and oh yea, they charge more for a monthly payment schedule, might be hard to save up for the 6 month or year plan but you are going to pay it no matter so if you can save up and make fewer payments, this will save you money too. Never tell them its a turbo, just an SE as most know that is how its looked at by many carriers. Never show up in your car when getting a policy/change or paying a bill in person, park away from their windows, had one girl say "is that your GP?" :shock: lucky for me their system did not show the Turbo version, yet!! I also have a discount for College Degree for some reason (have the degree, did not think this makes me drive any slower, especially if its a performance engine tuning degree :lol: jk). And a Select Discount, the one I earned from no tickies, though they will let one slide, 2 gets their attention and 3 or more gets your rates up, so be a smarter driver or pay pay pay :lol: Last is something you cannot control, being young, though I would give money to be younger :lol: I do get a savings there, and anyone over 25 (if Canada is this way? and other states, so far all mine are) gets a big drop in their rates, especially if you hit that magic number with a clean record!!! There are other breaks as you get older, but whats the rush :wink:


Jeff M

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there is NO savings to be had these days up here in Ontario


they will take you for what your worth....plus some....


used to be 25 for males and insurance was cut in half.....now if your lucky when you hit 25 it won't increase... :x


We seem to have more active groups that fight for our needs, interest groups, though most are for those that make money :evil: Maybe better competition here, and some common sense that if you put incentives/discounts in place that save money (no tickets etc) for the owner they might be better at the driving, and hits on insurance claims could be less, I guess Europe is worse, maybe too much influence still from your place of origin :lol: .


Jeff M

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That is insane!!! I only pay $86 on one of my TGPs :shock: but that is only theft :lol: it never gets driven as there is no spare time to finish it up :cry: Those I drive run $505 with full coverage and low $250 deduct. I live near a big city so that hurts me!!!! and I know of people near or in big cities that use their parent's address out in the country to qualify for a better discount :shock: sshhhh :lol: . Key is to make sure to get the discounts!!!!...ABS helps, security system is a big help :shock: and of course, no tickets, and if you have some DO NOT change carriers if yours has not hit you up for them, wait 2 to 3 years (time frame in most states here) before you disturb or change your policy holder, really bad tickets stay on your record longer, some states forever :evil: ! Join your house/apartment and your car with the same carrier, or extra cars as dual policies are a discount too 8). Get the usage mileage low as it can be, I use Pleasure Use Only/less than x,xxx miles a year, and my carrier requests me to fill out a form stating my miles each year, which is no concern since my TGPs/TSTE don't get many miles, never asked me to show up and prove my odometer, yet, doubt they will. Pay your bill on time, even a few months ahead, and oh yea, they charge more for a monthly payment schedule, might be hard to save up for the 6 month or year plan but you are going to pay it no matter so if you can save up and make fewer payments, this will save you money too. Never tell them its a turbo, just an SE as most know that is how its looked at by many carriers. Never show up in your car when getting a policy/change or paying a bill in person, park away from their windows, had one girl say "is that your GP?" :shock: lucky for me their system did not show the Turbo version, yet!! I also have a discount for College Degree for some reason (have the degree, did not think this makes me drive any slower, especially if its a performance engine tuning degree :lol: jk). And a Select Discount, the one I earned from no tickies, though they will let one slide, 2 gets their attention and 3 or more gets your rates up, so be a smarter driver or pay pay pay :lol: Last is something you cannot control, being young, though I would give money to be younger :lol: I do get a savings there, and anyone over 25 (if Canada is this way? and other states, so far all mine are) gets a big drop in their rates, especially if you hit that magic number with a clean record!!! There are other breaks as you get older, but whats the rush :wink:


Jeff M


No shit. The orginator doesn't have a history he's only 19. Christ go put a tranny together so I can buy your kit. I don't have long to wait and this had to take you awhile. :(


Rates have come down here in Texas maybe cause the border crossings have slowed down. Mine has droped about 300 in the last 3 years.


Shit again my drivers window switch just went out again and it's raining. :evil: guess I have to doe some filing.



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That is insane!!! I only pay $86 on one of my TGPs :shock: but that is only theft :lol: it never gets driven as there is no spare time to finish it up :cry: Those I drive run $505 with full coverage and low $250 deduct. I live near a big city so that hurts me!!!! and I know of people near or in big cities that use their parent's address out in the country to qualify for a better discount :shock: sshhhh :lol: . Key is to make sure to get the discounts!!!!...ABS helps, security system is a big help :shock: and of course, no tickets, and if you have some DO NOT change carriers if yours has not hit you up for them, wait 2 to 3 years (time frame in most states here) before you disturb or change your policy holder, really bad tickets stay on your record longer, some states forever :evil: ! Join your house/apartment and your car with the same carrier, or extra cars as dual policies are a discount too 8). Get the usage mileage low as it can be, I use Pleasure Use Only/less than x,xxx miles a year, and my carrier requests me to fill out a form stating my miles each year, which is no concern since my TGPs/TSTE don't get many miles, never asked me to show up and prove my odometer, yet, doubt they will. Pay your bill on time, even a few months ahead, and oh yea, they charge more for a monthly payment schedule, might be hard to save up for the 6 month or year plan but you are going to pay it no matter so if you can save up and make fewer payments, this will save you money too. Never tell them its a turbo, just an SE as most know that is how its looked at by many carriers. Never show up in your car when getting a policy/change or paying a bill in person, park away from their windows, had one girl say "is that your GP?" :shock: lucky for me their system did not show the Turbo version, yet!! I also have a discount for College Degree for some reason (have the degree, did not think this makes me drive any slower, especially if its a performance engine tuning degree :lol: jk). And a Select Discount, the one I earned from no tickies, though they will let one slide, 2 gets their attention and 3 or more gets your rates up, so be a smarter driver or pay pay pay :lol: Last is something you cannot control, being young, though I would give money to be younger :lol: I do get a savings there, and anyone over 25 (if Canada is this way? and other states, so far all mine are) gets a big drop in their rates, especially if you hit that magic number with a clean record!!! There are other breaks as you get older, but whats the rush :wink:


Jeff M


No shit. The orginator doesn't have a history he's only 19. Christ go put a tranny together so I can buy your kit. I don't have long to wait and this had to take you awhile. :(



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trannys and taxes Jeff!!!!!


If that was only it for me Davis :D :lol: My neighbor was bugging about another project that was still waiting for me to get to on my car, and said I should do like him and make a list so that I can just see and check off the items like he did to his needed projects, yea that was an amazing idea I had not thought of, so I typed up a quick list of just the major projects and expected hours to complete (instead of the single pages I already have stacked in different rooms), then printing it on an old printer, the kind where you have to separate the pages as its just one continuous feed, after 8 feet long I took it down to him and said what would he like me to do first, he thought the list was a fake, but after reading only a few pages, said get rich so you can hire some employees :lol: He never bugged me about my projects again, though he did offer to help on some but most are too unique to get help on, time it would take to train him would be almost the same time for me to do it. I watch maybe 2 hours of TV a week, forces me to take a break, typically sleep 5 hours though often do all nighters. Had to let my other TGP and Typhoon sit for the last several years as they are not a priority to get running with all the other projects I need to do. When I did get some help the guys did not last long even when I paid them well, fed them and let them use my garage for their projects.


I do like taking a break from these projects and posting here to keep my sanity, but there are already several PM's and a few other posts still waiting for a reply, that I will do, and a list of emails that pile up every day, seems the more I post though the more emails I get (not to buy things :lol: ) and when I was a posting whore I would average 50 to 150 emails a week, those kind of long and detailed emails where you are teaching someone about their car for the first time/nearly first time, and teaching them how to troubleshoot it, then best prices found as well as part numbers for the culprit part(s), emails for me smoke the shit out of posting here. Once I tallied up all the TGP owners I had talked to from 1998 through 2001 and it was over 1,500 owners, multiplied by more than just one email back to them had me sending close to 7,000 emails in that period :shock: :lol:...had some local guys that thought I was just kidding or wanted everyone's pity when I stated this fact years ago :roll: , till I showed them my list and inbox at that time :lol:


Well, need to at least take a shower before the woman gets home, listen to her day, take her for a walk then back at it, working at home is not the dream some think it is, at a real employer you get to drop your work at 5pm and leave it all behind (yea a few of you guys are not the majority, just referencing the majority as an example of working from home ok!), and have weekends off and no work, work office and workers to be around you. But working from home means you never leave work, no breaks, its always there haunting you, only break is the wife for a little bit in the evenings, then when she is ready to go out on the weekend, dinner and a movie, bout it, not real exciting to work from home and sure falls into that "grass looks is greener on the other side" :wink: , till you go over there and pull some weeds, fertilize and keep it mowed all the time :lol:


Jeff M

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