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pretty cars!

Drache Rott

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You know what.... I'm tired of seeing all these pretty cars!!!!!!


I wanna know who has the uglist car on the site....I fact I'm gona start it off by posting a pic of mine as soon as I can get my dad to go take a picture of it for me. So I want all you you with real cars to go some hair down low... and post some pics too....


Come on you know who you are!


Maybe we can make a contest out of it and take a vote!

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well I did mean still street able...as in you know drive to town.. if thats the one from your little banner before you fixed it..once it was fixed it's around what mine looks like now..........but hey we are off to a good start

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my car right now would win any ugly w-body contest...

with the front end missing, teh peeling paint, and the sagging rear bumper, I am proud to own the ugliest w-body that i have seen. I might have to start excepting donations to fix it its so bad right now! hahaha

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I could just take a picture of my old lumina.. it's pretty ugly by now. :(


EDIT: Just found out by one of his friends.. that he's selling the car to some guy who offered him 8 GRAND for it! HA! Shit.. take the money and run, that's what I'd do.

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It really is a shame the way that guy is treating your old Lumina. I got lucky when I sold my 93 Cutlass, its was mint when I sold it and I still see it around and its just as clean, there can be a foot of snow on the ground and that guy still has it clean, I dunno if I could handle seeing it all beaten, I'd probally land up trying to buy it back, LOL



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He basically doesn't take care of it. Hasn't washed it in months, everytime I see him driving he runs it to redline from almost every stop. I just caught word that he got a speeding ticket the other day for 55 in a 30.. I also seen a big scuff and a chunk of paint missing on a corner of the front bumper. Probably nailed a curb or something..

Just neglecting it.. something I would have never done.. which is why I'm kicking myself for selling it now.

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that's terrible to hear Luke.. :cry:


i guess situations like this extend the whole "buyer beware" credo, to "seller beware" :)


if it weren't for my reputation for treating my cars better than humanly possible, i probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to buy the w-body i now have from my uncle. hehehe.. he's worse than me! i think he was prepared to interview people who would buy the car if i didn't buy it :lol:

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ok ok ok...I'll describe my car.... flaking white hood showing grey primer (my mom barrowed it and rear ended someone)... that sorta saphire metallic blue everywhere else also flaking showing white primer.. hole in front bumper whe my dad let my brother drive it while I wasn't home...and he hit a BIG ROCK( now there was a fight between me and my father)....dent in side of car where a girl spun out in the rain and put her bumper in the rear quarter driver side(while my dad was driveing...and he let her go..there was another fight)....3 little scratches in back of bumper where a girl rear ended me....headliner is gone... rear seats are out/ destroyed( dad locked keys in trunk and ripped it out to get them...there was another fight) big epoxy spots on pass seat where my father put mirror back on ..and set glue on seat without thinking....and it's missing the trim on the driver side fron fender...(where some blind old man in a vw bus clipped it with his rear bumper while passing in a no passing merge zone..and my insureance let him get away with it)..and the worst! theree is a 3 foot long scortch mark on the hood where the San Diego County workers droped a power line across the hood....fried all the electronic under the hood... took me a month to fix....and thats what killed my FBI prom.. alas I have a speed limter again :cry: ..theres more but it's late

I'll remember later

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well it was originaly his... he gave it to me when I lent him $2500 to pay his morgage with...so he keeps forgetting it's not his car.... I dont say much about it though... he also gave me his 73' cuda that he bought in 73... though he gave me that for my 18th birthday.... i think any difference in value is more then made up for :naughty: as for the county paying me they told me to go to hell... I tried to take them to court... and they came back with a little known law... right of sovergnty....

it would appear that the govenment has the right to not be sued... they only let it be done when it makes them look good.... I.E. rodney king.. it's to let us all think we have control...but for somthing little like my car.. they tell us all to F'off :bash:


trust me I tried

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it would appear that the govenment has the right to not be sued... they only let it be done when it makes them look good.... I.E. rodney king.. it's to let us all think we have control...but for somthing little like my car.. they tell us all to F'off :bash:


trust me I tried


the court screwed me out of around $250 of impound lot fees and otother stuff after the fucking police towed my dads car for me driving it without a license. funny thing is - i did have my license. i proved my innocence to the charge and that was it, i was not repayed for the all the inconvenience and costs. fuck america, im moving to jamaica (pardon languange)

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