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Production Numbers, Anyone? Anyone?


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Ok, so I looked through all 24 pages that came up when I searched, but nothing helped. So, is there a definitive website that lists W-Body production numbers? I've already emailed Pontiac, but I hear that's hit or miss.

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it depends its seems that for the early to mid 90s cars GM didnt always keep exact numbers. On MM we have asked about MCs and luminas and always get the same numbers within a few hundred for the 97-99 model years but for 95 and 96 we often times get precentages.


I would not be surprised if you get the same thing.

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i think the Pontiac Historical Society will dig up some production numbers for you..but i dunno



for mine the most i can narrow it down to for 1994 is 82,766 Luminas in total

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I got a very detailed response back on 1990 Cutlass Supremes, but that wouldn't help you much on a GP. I suggest e-mailing Pontiac....can't hurt to give it a shot.

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Yup, emailed them. Here goes:


Thank you for contacting the Pontiac Customer Assistance Center. I

appreciate you taking the time to write us in regards to your 1995

Pontiac Grand Prix GTP. I understand you would like to know what was

the production number of your 1995 Grand Prix GTP.


I sincerely apologize but, we do not have production figures broken

down by specific option combinations, however I did find the following



Total 1995 Grand Prix: 131,835

Total Grand Prix Coupes: 58,896

Total Coupes with B4S GTP Package: 9,256

Total Coupes in 41U Black: 8,230


We do not have figures for 1995 Grand Prix equipped with the black

leather interior.



I guess that answered my question, anyway. Someone should gather all these replies and sticky them somewhere.

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thats a pretty nice response! At least you got something back thats pretty detailed.


I did a little math and out of all the GP coupes for that year...your color represents 14% of them all



and of the GP coupes about 17% were the GTPs :D

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Ah, but the language is a little ambiguous. Ok, so there are 58,896 coupes. About 9200 coupes were GTPs, and 8200 coupes were black, but that doesn't say how many GTP coupes were black. However, if we can estimate that the same proportion of black GTPs to non-black GTPs equals the proportion of black coupes to non-black coupes, the number comes out to about 1300 (14% of the total 9200 GTPs). Sound right?

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that could be a good way to estimate it however there is also the factor that the people wanting the higher trim car were more likely to go for a particular color than those getting the lower trim level so the porportion of black GTPs could be less or more depending on if that is true and what color was leaned toward. Its prob a safe bet as long as you know no matter what it will be a rough estimate.

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