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Looking for a Pic- "rear seat radio"

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Guest Anonymous

I'd say a couple months ago someone on here posted a picture of what i think was a new car with one of the little square radio decks mounted in the rear center console. It was a ototally custom job and it had earphone jacks as well.


Does anyone remember this or have the pic on file? I can find it in the search.


Are you talking about Rear Seat Audio? In other words, redundant radio controls for the back seat passengers that ties into your head unit?


i think he means just for the back that has headphone jacks for the rear passengers


I seem to remember that one GP concept car having a Sunbird radio in the back. That what your talking about?

I'd say a couple months ago someone on here posted a picture of what i think was a new car with one of the little square radio decks mounted in the rear center console. It was a ototally custom job and it had earphone jacks as well.


Does anyone remember this or have the pic on file? I can find it in the search.


Yes, I remember. It was in the Grand Prix 300 GPX show car that was shown at the '95 auto show. The radio control looks like the '88-'89 Grand Prix one. The Sunbird one is the same, correct?


The post was here:



The picture came from here:



Another picture here:


Man, wouldn't it be cool if the '97-up GP had rear buckets like that? Notice that it has the '94-'00 Theftlock radio. If that rear radio control is functional, I wonder how they got it to work with that radio.


Some of the vans came with a rear radio control/headphone panel. My mom's Chevy Astro has one. I can't remember if it's just a volume control for the headphones or if it will control other things like changing the station. I wonder if any of the Pontiac vans had Pontiac-looking one.


Speaking of the Sunbird, some of those had a separate CD player that went with their component radio. I wonder if it would work with the '88-'89 GP component system.


i know the areostars have a thing where the back seat people can change the radio, volume, and what not, its REALLY annoying, when u listenig to somthing, and the retards in the back start messing with stuff, and theres no lock for them

Notice that it has the '94-'00 Theftlock radio. If that rear radio control is functional, I wonder how they got it to work with that radio.


The rear radio doesn't control the front. The rear is totally seperate from the front and all the music goes to the two headphone jacks.

Guest Anonymous

Yep, thats the one!


I think it is its own separate entity and is for rear seat passengers only... It sounds like an awesome thing. I wonder if it can be done?


Ross I have faith that you will be able to put that into your car somehow :D

Guest Anonymous
Ross I have faith that you will be able to put that into your car somehow :D



Oh.... I will. I just need to figure out how. I'm also getting SIRIUS so people can tune into that, the radio, or maybe even my ipod.


And whats this talk of the 89 component system with a CD in sunbirds?


I've never seen the Sunbird CD player, one can imagine how rare they are. Not many people "loaded up" their Sunbirds I'm sure.


But the radio will be easy to do. Go out to the yard, grab a Sunbird radio, and cut some of the harness off with it. I'm sure it's just a regular old GM 20 pin connector. Then, get the pinouts and wire it up. Wire the speaker wires onto headphone jacks. Tap into the coax antennae wire for the radio, or add another antennae for the redneck look. :lol: Heck you could even snatch up the slave cass or cd players that the 'birds had, and plug them in too.


The sat. radio might give you trouble though, unless you buy two seperate tuners and RF modulaters. Otherwise, the rear passenger will have to listen to the same station as you, and that would defeat the purpose of your whole expedition...


I'm not sure if you can wire the speaker outs directly to your headphone jacks...I think you'll need something to reduce the power going to the headphones wouldn't you??


Yeah, I didn't think of that. Maybe look around at radio shack, or call partsexpress.com, they are very helpful.

And whats this talk of the 89 component system with a CD in sunbirds?

The Sunbirds had it up to their last year - '94. By looking at the dealer brochures, it looked like you could get either the separate tape deck or the CD player, but I found this pic of a '93 that had both:




The tape deck looks to be the same width as the '88-'89 Grand Prix one. I bet the Grand Prix never got the CD player because it was too wide to fit where the tape deck went. That CD player looks like it's about the size of a single DIN radio. I wonder if that one is interchangeable with the newer slave CD players (I doubt it).



Here's the Astro rear seat audio controls:




It might be worth looking into how the speaker level outputs are handled with this thing. Maybe the controls have a built-in attenuator?? Maybe you could use just the headphones portion for your idea.

Guest Anonymous

Awesome info. Now i'm really wondering if I could add the sunbird CD player to my 89 component setup... in addition to the cassette. I'm sure a custom job would find it mounted below the EQ part. There looks to be enough room there... damn i need to find one of those.


If i'm not listening to my SIRIUS, other people would be able to with this. I may be listening to the ipod (or even a CD?!)... I'm going to be in the vicinity of a few junkyards next week so I will begin the part location...


The radio/clock head in that Sunbird (and all heads like that) doesn't have a GM 20 pin adapter, it's just like the '88-'89 GP 2-piece setup, where there's a couple of different plugs for the two pieces coming off of the head unit, which is where the normal 20-pin adapter goes on those cars.

Guest Anonymous

So, in theory, i could get the in-between harness for the sunbird CD an mate it with my setup and possibly get all of this crap to work???

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