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A/C Coversion Question


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I"m working on converting my 92GTP from R-12 to 134A, and absolutely can't find the connectors on the lines that need to be replaced. Anyone done it that can help me with some directions on where to find these two connectors? Thanks.



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On my TGP the high pressure connector was located sort of under the wind washer tank near the battery. The low pressure connector is located on a tube that runs under the high pressure one. The high pressure connector sticks straight up, and the low pressure connector sort of points to the engine itself. If you see the high pressure connector, the low pressure one is about 2 inches away.

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Yeah, I had to disconnect the airbox completely. HOWEVER, since you need to have the motor on while you fill it, don't diconnect the MAF, because the damn thing won't stay running if you do. Just lay it on the intake manifold or something.

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I should have known GM would try and hide everything. They just can't make one dang thing easy to work on, well at least until you get something ripped 3/4 apart.


Thanks y'all.



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On the TGP the airbox is right behind the radiator, so I didn't have to worry about that. But, I couldn't get the darn filler hose on the low pressure valve without wrestling with the turbo blanket.


And damnit, I had AC for about 24 hours, now nothing, and I used that EZ Chill stuff that is supposed to have oil, conditioners and leak sealant in it.

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I've got a K&N Cone so refitting the air box won't be a problem.. it's already gone. I just feel stupid as a 30 cent piece on dollar night, I didn't even have to remove the air filter, jsut push it aside a little.


Well Got everything changed over, put in the first can and as i'm hooking the second can onto hte fill hose, i'm just watching the presure drop, so time to go find a leak i guess. Wish me luck



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