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Whats My Stereo Worth?

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im thinking about selling it... its amazing ( hit 152Db) and all but its gotta go sometime... prolly will sell it locally though


Heres the specs


1- 15" Audiobahn Immortal 2250 Rms Sub ( quad voice coils)

1- custom square ported box to fit perfectly in the GP

2- 1000 watt Rms Rockbox amps running the Sub @ 1ohm

1- 550 watt rms (4 ohm) for 6x9's (Rockbox)

1- Custom made amp rack ( made myself)

2- Phoenix Gold ( 0/1 - (4) 4 ga)distribution blocks

15 ft 0 gague Stinger Pro Power wire ( red)

atleast 20 ft of 4 ga. power (red) Stinger Pro, same goes with the ground (blue)

1-Phoenix Gold 0 ga. Grounding block

1-250 amp 0 ga. fuse block (stinger)

2- optima Red Top batteries ( 900 ca if i can remember right

Monster cable Rca's ( gold plated and ceramic)

monster cable subwoofer x-low noise wiring to the sub ( 10 ga)


And HU - SONY CDX-M9905X AM/FM/CD/MP3 COLOR TFT DISPLAY ( http://www.crutchfield.com/S-iQRr9XpMFsM/cgi-bin/prodview.asp?i=158CDXM995















no body knows c'mon.. help me :)


I have no idea what to tell you. Maybe it would help us if you had original prices (or estimates) plus how long you've been using it. I'm not an accountant, but you do have to take into consideration depreciation over time. Overall, I think your setup is sweet! :D


couple grand in canadian dollars...I'm just throwing that out there because my friend has a system in his car no where near what you have, and he's spend about a grand on it.


Alll prices in canadian


1- 15" Audiobahn Immortal 2250 Rms Sub ( quad voice coils) (paid 250) retail 700

1- custom square ported box to fit perfectly in the GP ( paid 85 made myself to audiuobahn soecs though) would have to be worth 300

2- 1000 watt Rms Rockbox amps running the Sub @ 1ohm 150 each (300)

1- 550 watt rms (4 ohm) for 6x9's (Rockbox) 150

1- Custom made amp rack ( made myself) worth 50 id say

2- Phoenix Gold ( 0/1 - (4) 4 ga)distribution blocks -- 100 each + fuses

15 ft 0 gague Stinger Pro Power wire ( red) way too much money ( 200)

atleast 20 ft of 4 ga. power (red) Stinger Pro, same goes with the ground (blue) (150)

1-Phoenix Gold 0 ga. Grounding block (45)

1-250 amp 0 ga. fuse block (stinger) (45)

2- optima Red Top batteries ( 900 ca if i can remember right (180 each)

Monster cable Rca's ( gold plated and ceramic) 125 for them all

monster cable subwoofer x-low noise wiring to the sub ( 10 ga) (50)


And HU - SONY CDX-M9905X AM/FM/CD/MP3 COLOR TFT DISPLAY ( got a steal at 400 canadian)




3340 bucks so i think 1000-1300 is adequate to ask for it ( what i was thinking) ( the DFeck is brand spanking new... mine old one got bitched so they gave me a new one... havent installed it yet

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