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OK some of you might remember a couple months ago i posed about my speedo problem. everyone said VSS so i had it looked at. the guy said he pulled the little gear and cleaned it and stuff but the speed is still exactly the same. well i said to myself the hell with it. if its the VSS ill just buy a chiltons and attempt to replace this myself...but i dont think its the VSS. i think it might be the ECM because all of the information in my DIC is wrong also...fuel economy, avg apeed.......hell it wont stop tellting me to check my fuel. it wontlet me reset that category.




3)something else?


i really need a speedo here i cant afford any tickets and if i dont know how fast im going i just drive at whats comfortable and thats always at least 10 over. plus wtf's the point of a cool digital dash and DIC if all teh information is useless?

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Even if it was changed out and the wrong one put in (which I doubt), it will still show you something.


I think the VSS signal coming out of the transmission is an AC signal, so just hook up a voltmeter set on AC scale to the VSS and drive it. If it makes voltage, it's probably wiring or ECM. You can then hook up the voltmeter to the VSS wires at the ECM plug, and see if you get voltage there. If you do, then it's definately the ECM.


Also, how does your TCC work? Thats based on speed also. It should engage at roughly 45 or so. It will feel like another shift, making the total amount of "shifts" 4.



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I had no idea that speed was wrong on it since i didnt drive the car but i notticed a problem with fuel with all of the DICs, yea trans was changed couple months before i got the car and i changed about 2 computers in it but it was same problem with it but since i didnt use the car at all i totally forgot about them later.

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Is the tranny from a 1988? If so, that might explain it.

I remember having this exact problem when putting an '88 MEMCAL in my car or vice versa, I don't remember which car and which MEMCAL caused this, but it was a problem of mismatching years on the tranny and MEMCAL.

In that case, you'd need a MEMCAL from an '88. Either that or a new governor gear for the VSS.


Or perhaps the reverse... your tranny from an '89 and your MEMCAL is currently from an '88.


Post the numbers off the MEMCAL and/or off the tranny and we can probably figure out which is which.

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