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For those of you who want a spotless engine, I've tried several things, and found that one chemical suprised me the most. Super concentrated Simple Green household cleaner works GREAT for cleaning things up, especially if you don't use a pressure washer in fear of shorting something (like me). It actually worked better than Gunk engine degreaser, and is much less hazardous.

If you look on my CarDomain page, there's a picture of my engine bay that shows the results.


Yea, I never use anything else other than Simple Green. It's always worked way better than any other 'engine cleaner' in removing caked on gunk and oil.


For example, the distributor seal on my Samurai leaks oil (common problem). Over time it leaves a mess of oil and gunk all over the top of the transmission. Since I'll be swapping it's tranny out here soon, I soaked it in some foaming engine cleaner I had in the garage. Let it sit 10-15 minutes, sprayed it off... Nothing came off.. Not a damn thing, it's as if I didn't even spray anything on it. So I busted out the SG and soaked it. Let it sit for the same amount of time, and sprayed it off, it turned out looking almost new. It went from black, oil soaked crap, to silver, completely cleaned off. That's only one of the many times I've used it with great results.


I havent used any cleaning agent, is thats what you want to call the Simple Green, but I have used mothers polish, and 3 types of brushes, a nylon, brass, and stainless steel. The combination of those works really good. If you dont believe me, look at my car domain engine page, and see for yourself!


Watch out with heavy doses of Simple Green and aluminum. It can dull and whiten the aluminum. Be sure to rinse well.



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