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door Lock Cylinders


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Since Ive had the car i have never been able to lock it. I am planning on buying some new door lock cylinders today. Ive inspected the inside of the handle and it seems that either both lock cylinders dont work or i have the wrong keys (trunk lock works) Anyone ever changed there lock cylinders before. How much will they cost..

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Guest Anonymous

I actually just called a dealer the other day about new locks. This was for a '90 GP.


Cylinders - Around $40 each

The locks do not come with keys. The dealer has to make them. That costs another $40.


You would be better off finding some in a j/y.

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Since my driver door internal handle is broken(the metal bar that always snaps). I just took the cylinder from that door and moved it to the other door now both doors are locked so im cool.

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