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So how long do I have??


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Yea know....

I was right the first time.

My initial assumption was the timing belt.


The noise I heard, then the smoke I saw WAS the timing belt rubbing.

BUT, people had me convinced it was my Alt or something else.


Notice the Cross indentation on the belt......

Someone is trying to tell me something...


Time to find a new car.


Cause a Belt replacement is way beyond my skill at the moment.

I'll get another car, and take my time with this one.


Well, at least I learned how to change the Alt in under 2 hours.




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Dude, you can change that belt, it's not that dificult, there's been people on here who couldn't even install the STOCK car stereo in their Lumina's, and after a while, were able to replace even the cam drive belt.


if I were you, I'd get the parts and just jump into it, what's the worst that's gonna happen, it won't run, and you'll have to get an other car anyhow?

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Dude, you can change that belt, it's not that dificult, there's been people on here who couldn't even install the STOCK car stereo in their Lumina's, and after a while, were able to replace even the cam drive belt.


if I were you, I'd get the parts and just jump into it, what's the worst that's gonna happen, it won't run, and you'll have to get an other car anyhow?


Hi Dave,


Yea, I'm going to try it. But this car is the only car I have and I need to be at work Monday.


So, I have enough cash to buy a cheap car to get me to work.

And I'll take my time fixing her.


I don't wanna be up against the wall time wise with the car.

Things will go much smoother and more enjoyable if I am not worrying about a timeline.


I'm pretty sure I can do it, but it will take guidence every step of the way.


The FAQ here on the Belt removal/install process is pretty good.


I just know it will take me longer than a few days to do it.


Like i said, my skill is not that great at the moment.

Hence all the questions I've been asking.


Hell it took me 2 days to figure out I need A propane torch to get my tie rod out....LOL


So, I'm gonna do it, cause I love it, but I know it will take me more time than I have.


And lots of beer.....


I wish I had a garage....



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That's the best way to do something. Sometimes I wish I had more time before I did my intake swap, but I got lucky in that nothing's going wrong now.


Take your time, and enjoy yourself.

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Anybody On these Boards Live near Windsor Ontario???

I'll pay yea and buy a case of beer if you can help!! :D

No one has cam tools in this city...

Most places said, "Whats that" ugggg


Lets see, how bout a picture walkthrough first.


To all those who SKIP on replacing Pulley's,Idlers,actuator, when you do your timing belt, here Is why that is a BAD idea.....





Notice the Idler pulley, is missing a Lip.



More mess.




The probable culpret....when it failed, it ALL failed.





Notice the Flats, One is up (left hand side) the other is about 30 degrees off. Thats not right is it!!




Heres the Lip of the pulley. Maybe Superglue??




Here is the Mass of Burnt "something". No wonder why I saw smoke...



Ah shiat.....If I could only find the tools, I could get going on it.


God hates me, :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:




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go to canadian tire they let you use tools for free, as long as you got a credit car or driver license.. which i assume you have atleast one


Hi Ya kuntzie,


Canadian Tire does not know what a cam tool is let alone rent them.. :lol:

I live right next door to a CT Super Center, no go.

The only option I have, is to have tools made or find someone around here who has them.

I'm pretty sure I can make the Cam Flat tool, however, the Hold down tool i'm not sure of.


Well, I'm to the car dealership. I'll fix her when I can.



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My fucking god :shock: . I have never seen such a mess with a timing belt. God, I can't wait to replace my FIRST one hahahaha. The way/amount I drive it, I won't need another one. Hey test4echo, get some prices on the repair. If it's too expensive do it yourself. I'm sure everyone on here will help you as much as they can. But that is one shredded/burnt belt.

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:shock: Man it's times like these that makes me happy that I have a timing chain and not a timing belt. That doesn;t look good at all. Did the motor quit, or did you catch it in time??? Good Luck

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My fucking god :shock: . I have never seen such a mess with a timing belt. God, I can't wait to replace my FIRST one hahahaha. The way/amount I drive it, I won't need another one. Hey test4echo, get some prices on the repair. If it's too expensive do it yourself. I'm sure everyone on here will help you as much as they can. But that is one shredded/burnt belt.


Yea, I have the persistance to fix it, And I have the will to fix it.

Its just that finding the cam tools here is hard.

I don't own a Credit card, so many of the online options are out.


I know there a guy named Jake on 60DV6 that lives here.

I sent him a PM, hopefully he is around.

I'd be more than willing to pay him for the rent of his tools. (and case of beer)...lol


I've already got the engine torn down (with ease) the most I have to.

I'm pretty sure I have the timing procedure down pat.


Its just everywhere I turn, no one has the cam flats or the Cam hold down tool.


If I had those tools, I could put her back together tonight in few hours.

I already have the parts.


Its so frustrating to be held back by lack of availability of tools.


This site, and (to be fair) 60DV6 are terrific and indespensible.


Everyone Always helps out, it just great!!!



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:shock: Man it's times like these that makes me happy that I have a timing chain and not a timing belt. That doesn;t look good at all. Did the motor quit, or did you catch it in time??? Good Luck


Actually, this happen'd over I'd guess 15 minutes.


Drove to work.

The car was fine, no issues at all.

Car was not behaiving strange.


Work was over I got in, fired her up and noticed a strange squeel comming from under the hood. Not very loud at all.

Drove about 100 feet, knew something was up, pulled over in my school parking lot (I am a computer tech at this high school) and when I raised the hood I saw smoke.


Because of the squeel (sounded just like a bad bearing on the alt) and the eay the car just died I figured the Alt was the problem.


Had car towed home on flatbed, next day I tried to fire her up.

She ran great!!

So i figured IT MUST BE the alt and I'm just running on battery power, thats why it running.


Let her run for about 10 minutes then heard the same squeel, and not soon after she dies again.


So I figured for sure its the Alt. Same symtoms and all.


So I replaced the Alt, charged the BAt, and she would not turn over.

Cranked ok, but no fire.


Then I checked the TB, and oh shit, thats what I found..........


I have no idea how in the hell it started that day, but it did.


The belt was NOT broke, just very shaved.... :)


But my pulleys sure as hell took the brunt of the damage.


Hopefully, (As bad as it looks) its just superficial and no engine damage has occured...




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aren't the hold down tools the same as the cam flat tools?


Hi Joey b,


I was refering to this tool....


The cam flat tools are NOT meant to withhold the force of the wrench being applied to torque the bolts down. Your'e supposed to use a cam pulley holder (fits in the notches of the cam pulley and has a handle for you to hold; also has an open center section for a socket to go through).



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Hey guys, I know we have non-interference engines (92 3.4 DOHC) but upon looking at the damage that was done to just about everything related to my timing setup I am quite concerned that something nasty could have occured.


You've already seen the mess my shredded Belt caused, here are the idlers, tension pulley and actuator damage results.


Idler pulley, gouge in Lip.




Same idler pulley, Massive plastic\rubber melt




The other idler pulley, completly wasted and burnt away..




Tensioner Pulley, Yes, it came out like this................




Tensioner Actuator, Boot was completly ripped off,





Pretty fecking bad i know, Am I wasting my time?

What is the probability that something even worse may have occured?





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I had the same thing happen to me. One of the bearings on the idler pulley forze on me, dug into the water pump cover and kicked the belt off. It destroyed my cam covers, and just about anything else related. just have fun cleaning up all of those tiny shreds...

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