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Hi, ive been having a problem and figured I will finally register here and ask the people who really know

I have a 1992 lumina z34 and it has been great aside from the normal problems that we all have.

out of the blue recently I would drive normally and every time I would slow down I can see a sudden drop in rpm and then it bobs.

It especially does this when I am making a turn, I will start to slow down and turn on the signals and the rpm will drop and begin to bob up and down from about 500rpm to 1200. They arent sharp jumps, more of a smooth bob

when the signals are activated the bobing occurs in unison with the on/off of the lights. the thing is, when I am completely stopped there is No bobing with or without the signals.

anyone have a clue before I ask my mechanic and he starts to replace stuff blindly


vacuum leak (hose(s)), leaking intake gasket, or maybe a failing MAP sensor.

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